Just A Little Less Obvious

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“GET OUT OF BED SLEEPY HEAD! LIKE NOW IF WANT TO SHOWER, DON’T WORRY ABOUT YOUR BAGS THEY’RE ALREADY IN THE CAR!” Zack yelled incredibly loud waking me up; ugh he was always such a morning person! I swung my feet onto the floor, standing up slowly and stumbling over to the bathroom. This was going to be hard, sharing a bus bathroom with over four smelly guys, fun, I pulled on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a purple hoodie. I reached the bottom of the stairs to see Zack and Jack in the living room,

“Oh god you’re not a morning person are you?” Jack laughed, so I gave him a no-shit look heading into the kitchen, grabbing an Up&Go from the fridge and joining the guys on the couch,

“We leave in 10 okay?” Zack asked heading upstairs to double check the house. Jack turned to me and giggled,

“I will punch you Barakat.” I said with a yawn,

“Of course you would.” He laughed; I rested my head on his shoulder,

“So you and Alex ay?” He asked, I bolted off his shoulder looking at him; he had a smug look on his face.

“What?” I stuttered, I was now totally awake,

“I heard about your little shindig with him the other day.” Fuck, Alex told him?

“What exactly did you hear?” I had to know what he said, did he mention the moment in the car?

“That you and Alex had a little dinner date, gosh what else did you two get up to silly!” he sighed shaking his head, thank goodness, I let out a sigh of relief

“Oh yeah and your kiss, you little minx!” I shot my head round to look at him again,

“Uh, what?” fucking Gaskarth telling Jack! Jack just looked at me and shook his head,

“God you’re so gullible!” he snickered getting up off the couch,

“Come on Zack we better leave, Flyzik will be waiting.” He yelled, walking out the door to the car. I waited till Zack came back down,

“Ready?” he asked with a smile on his face, I nodded smiling back,

“Unf, it’s going to be so fun having you on the tour!” he added wrapping his arm around me as we got into the car.

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