Jack Attack

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Jack threw a blanket at my face and laid-out a bunch of movies on the coffee table, first movie I saw was Home Alone,

“Home Alone defiantly!”

“Yeah! See, that’s why I love you!” He laughed tackling me, squeezing me tightly. I wrapped the blanket around me and rested my head on Jack’s shoulder,

“Comfy?” He asked acting angry with me,

“Why yes, thank you.” I giggled nuzzling my head into his shoulder even more.

“Before I start the movie, can I ask you something?” He asked in a serious tone, Jack was never serious,

“Uh sure, fire away.”

“What do you want for your birthday?” A childish smile spread across his face,

“To be honest, I have no idea. Probably nothing.”

“Emily Jade Merrick it’s your 20th birthday you can’t just ask for nothing!” He argued,

“I know I know, but I seriously have no idea.” I whined, laughing a little, “And please stop mentioning that I’ll be 20, I feel old!”

“Oh sweetie I’ve been there, but hey just remember I’m 25 how do you think I feel?” He laughed,

“True you old fart!” he gasped and elbowed me. Jack finally pressed play on the movie draping his arm over my shoulder hugging me tightly. I zoned-out during the movie, I’ve never zoned-out during Home Alone before but I just sat there, thinking about my birthday, I couldn’t think of anything I wanted for my birthday, no matter how many ideas I went threw I couldn’t think of one thing, I know it probably sounds silly. A minute or so later I snapped back into reality and began watching the movie again.

Once Home Alone finished Jack ordered me to choose another movie, this time I chose The Avengers, I hadn’t watched it in ages!

“You and your super hero obsession.” Jack muttered under his breath as he put the movie in.

“You asked me to choose, it’s your fault!” I laughed shaking my head at him. I laid a pillow of his lap and rested my head on it, I heard Jack giggle before he started playing with my hair, I didn’t mind it, he was like a little child.

After the movie finished Jack wondered into the kitchen and put something into the microwave,

“That better not be something that’ll explode in there!” I yelled sounding like a parent

“Well fine then, no popcorn for you!” he replied throwing his arms above his head. I looked down at Jack’s phone on the coffee table in front of me, I cheeky smile grew across my face, I picked it up and opened the camera and I started taking selfies, pulling different funny faces for each photo. Jack must’ve heard the sound of the shutter because he came and leant over the back of the couch,

“What are you doing?”

“Your phone was lacking me, so I’m fixing that.” I laughed, “SMILE!” I stretched my arms out so Jack was visible on the screen and began taking photos. I think we must’ve taken 20+ photos before Jack went back into the kitchen to get the popcorn. I grabbed a handful of popcorn and started throwing them one-by-one into the air and catching them in my mouth, I caught all of them in mouth and threw my arms into the air, doing a little fist pump. Jack gave me a look, not saying anything but just shaking his head,

“You’re a loser.” He chuckled

“Hmm… Yep!” I joked, making a popping noise on the ‘p’.

“Oh my god!” Jack gasped turning towards me,


“We never finished that argument from before tour, the one about how great my dick jokes were!” Oh god I knew what was coming,

“Uh no I think I won that.”

“As if!” He yelled tackling me down, sitting on me and began tickling me. Stupid Jack, he always knew I was super ticklish and always used it against me.

“Jack… Stop… Jack!” I managed to squeal out in between laughs,

“You know what to say.”

“Fine, just stop so I can say it!”

“Good girl.” He said smugly, getting off me.

“Jack, your dick jokes are ‘dah bomb’” I crossed my fingers behind my back,

“You know it.” He answered in a sassy tone,

“AHA! My fingers were crossed!” I yelled jumping off the couch onto my feet,

“BITCH!” He bellowed jumping up onto his feet too. I saw this as my chance to make a run for it. Jack followed closely behind me, I screamed as loud as I could as he chased me around the house, luckily Zack was out the house food shopping, otherwise he would think I was being murdered or raped!

I ran and hid behind a corner, I had no idea where Jack was, and I must’ve lost him, 1 Emily, Jack 0! For a few moments I stayed there to catch my breath. I couldn’t hear anything so he must be on the opposite side of the house by now. I was pretty proud of myself I outran a 6”1 lanky dude.

Feeling pretty up-myself I turned back round the corner to go look for Jack and boast, but as I did I felt a pair of arms grab me from behind and lift me up, fuck.

“Gotcha!” He chuckled, throwing me over his shoulder,

“Dammit!” I groaned as he carried me back downstairs. As we started walking towards the couch the front door opened, Zack with arms full of shopping bags.

“Uh what’s going on here?” he laughed uncomfortably,


“Teaching this bitch a lesson. DON’T MESS WITH JACK!” We both answered at the same time, Zack raised an eyebrow,

“Not in that way!” I shrieked pointing at him. Zack smiled then walked into the kitchen to put the groceries away. Jack threw me onto the couch then sat on me,

“Now Emily, what do you need to say to Jack?” he asked giving my the puppy-dog eyes, the only way I was going to get him off me was to apologize,

“I’m sorry Jack-o, your dick jokes are really dah bomb.” I pouted and nodded my head,

“YES!” he yelled,

“So can you please GET OFF ME now?” I said, raising my voice on ‘get off me’ trying to make a point,

“Nope.” He smiled wrapping his arms around my neck and hugging me tightly.

We decided to watch one more movie before Jack left for the night, Gentlemen Broncos. Jack sat in my lap the entire time, mouthing along with almost every line in the movie and laughed non-stop. Sometimes I forget how old Jack is.

“Cya munchkin.”

“Bye Jack.” I smiled giving him a hug,

“Will you be coming on our next tour?” I hadn’t even thought about going back on tour with the guys, I didn’t even know if they liked having a girl on the bus to put up with,

“I don’t know man.”

“But you have to! We’re supporting GREEN DAY in EUORPE!” he begged grabbing my hands, “Alex wants you to.” He whispered into my ear before leaving.   

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