Pierce The Skin

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I woke-up to the smell of toast and the sound of pans banging together, I stretched out on the couch to find Alex gone, I stood up looking towards the kitchen,

“Moooorninn’” cooed Alex who was standing next to the kettle in the kitchen,

“Morning Lex” I yawned walking up to the kitchen bench, “Why are you up so early?”

“I wanted to thank you for making breakfast yesterday.”

“By making breakfast?” I asked playfully, he nodded as the kettle boiled,

“Coffee?” He offered grabbing two cups from the cupboard,

“Yeah, thanks.” I smiled, “I’ll go have shower then, please don’t hurt yourself or burn the house down okay?”

“Dammit.” He muttered as I walked upstairs.

As I came downstairs Alex had just put the food on the table along with two mugs.

“Awh no fair.” He complained as I began to walk down, “Yesterday I came down half naked just for you, but you’re fully dressed!” I just laughed at him and sat down.

He had made French toast with berries on top,

“You never fail to impress me Mr Gaskarth.” I giggled taking a bite, since when could Alex cook?

“I’m full of surprises.” He chuckled taking a sip of his coffee.

After breakfast we sat on the couch and put on MTV. A few minutes later there was a knock at my door, I wasn’t expecting anyone, but someone popped into my head, Zack. Was he back early? I got up and opened the door slowly,

“YOU DIDN’T TELL ME YOU WERE HOME!” It wasn’t Zack it was Amber,

“Sorry, I was just, uh, tired.”

“Oh that’s understandable. But are you gonna invite me in or what?” She asked stepping forward, I just closed the door slightly,

“Well…” I began but she pushed the door open, and walked inside,

“Oh.” She said in a surprised tone looking over at Alex, then turned back to me with a smirk on her face. There was a moment of silence,

“I’ll let you two ‘catch up’ then.” Alex laughed uncomfortably, “Cya Em. Text you later.” He added giving me a hug then walking out the door closing it behind him. He didn’t know Amber knew.

“So?” She asked as we sat on the couch,

“So…?” I questioned,

“What was Alex doing over here, and where’s Zack?” I hadn’t told her anything since Alex surprised me with a song at the beginning of the tour,

“Zack is out with a friend for a few days and Alex & I were just hanging.”

“More like hanging in each other’s pants.” She muttered quietly,

“Amber!” I squealed punching her in the arm,

“What?” She laughed.

“What about you, any news?” I asked changing the subject,

“Well, now that you ask.”


“You know my drummer, the one I found attractive?” I nodded, “Well Josh, that’s his name, he asked me out a few days after you called me at the beginning of tour.” She finished with a big smile on her face,

“Oh my god I totally ship Ambsh!” I squealed giving her a hug,

“Well Emilex is my OTP.” She laughed 

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