Part 2: A Friend

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Hi guys this is me glenn timithy0 speaking here. If you like the last story i wrote, just tell me to create another part of this story. Having someone read my story is making me so happy. And if you guys by any chance want me to create another story, i'll be sure to create another story. And if you guys want more stories you can check taralthilien stories. She is the one who support me to make my stories published. And her stories is very good too like her zombie stories called 'keep holding on'. I like her stories, so if you want to read hers. You can check on my reading list. Ok back to the story. O and also if my writing is bad, i am so sorry.

By the time i was 8 years old, i was sleeping in the deep forest. It was snowing that night, But i still don't have a place to be called home. I don't have anything to eat either. When i was sleeping by leaning on the tree, i heard a footsteps. It's running towards me. I see a girl and a boy running with a lantern. I saw a group of wolfs trying to get them. They running towards me. The boy and the girl are hiding behind me. While the wolfs trying to get a chance to eat all of us. "Please save us, we don't want to die. At least save my little sister." Said the boy sheding tears. I saw her sister crying, trying to convince me to save them. "What do you excpect from a boy like me?" I ask. "I can see people's powers by seeing their eyes" said the girl. "Well sooner or later the wolfs will try to attack me" i said. Than the wolfs tried to bit me, but i killed them easily by my fist. The boy and the girl was suprised after they saw me killing those wolfs cold blooded. I think it's normal for them to think like that. "THANK YOU FOR SAVING US!!!!" Said the boy and the girl. This is actually the first time someone thank me. Most of the people that i tried to save is afraid of me and try to run. "You're welcome" i replied. "Why are you in the forest sir? Ask the girl. "I have nowhere to go" i said. "Do you want to stay in our house?" The boy asked. "Sorry but i have to keep moving" i said. I was still being chased by the scientist, if i stayed here they will only be captured and become a lab rat. "Well it's already in the middle of a night, you should stay in our home until it's morning." The boy said. "Well a night will be okay." I said. Their faces are very happy when i said that. "So where is your house?" I asked. "It's not far from here, we were looking for woods so we won't get cold. Than the wolfs found us." Said the boy. By the time we arrived there i asked, "where are your parents?". "They died because of those wolfs, now we lived by ourselves." Said the boy. "You can sleep on this bed" said the boy. We slept until morning. "Thank you for your kindness." I said as i leave them. The girl run towards me and hugged me. She start crying. I left them so the scientist don't find them as they found my tracks.

When i was on my way to get out of this forest. I heard someone footsteps and running towards me, it was the girl. She's crying again. "Please help us.. my brother... they have my brother..." said the girl. I quickly run towards there. I saw their house blown to bits. And the boy was lying the ground not moving at all. The scientist was there. "What have you done to him?" I asked. "I injected a special power to him and the girl, but it looks like the girl survived. Well we lost her thou. Not many was strong enough to survive the experiment." Said the scientist. I tried to attack them. But something shot me, it's a boy about my age with a super human powers. it looks like this one is a bit different. He can teleport from place to place and using a gun. Looks to me he is a patient just like me. "Hahaha you see... even without you our experiment is still growing. Meet amrun." said the scientist. He shot me lots of time. But i know it's useless. I saw he had a collar on his neck. He teleported behind me and i grab his collar than destroy it. Amrun passed out on the ground. The scientist shot me in the head but it's useless, nothing worked on me. I killed him with my fist. I tried to help the boy. He's still breathing. The girl reached her brothers arm and cry. "He's alright, he is only sleeping." I said. "Thank you..." said the girl. "My name is tina" said the girl. "And my brother is tim, we are very sorry that we haven't introduced ourselves from the start. What is your name?" Said the girl. "I don't have one" i said. Than amrun is starting to wake up. "Are you alright?" I said. "Where am i? And where is the scientist?" Said amrun. "I killed him" i said. "Really? Thankyou... my name is amrun and you?" Ask amrun. "I still don't have a name" said amrun. "Than how about.. damien?" Said tina. "I think his name should be blake." Said amrun. "Than my name should be Damien blake?" i asked. "That is a good name" said tim. It looks like tim has awake. "Thankyou for saving us again" said tim. "Don't worry about it, are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah i'm fine" said tim. "Sorry about the house." I said. "It's ok well looks like we are following you now." Said tim. "Why? Being with me is dangerous. Why do you want to risk your life for me?" I asked. "You saved us, the three of us would've been dead if it weren't for you. It's time for us to help you. Because we are now your friend.." said tim. "A friend?" I asked i saw the three of them smiling at me. I'm glad i met them and now we continue our journey to find other patient. Now our lives are in danger but i will protect my friends.

The end of Part 2

Next time
Part 3: Patient 6998

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