Part 24: Back to Zero

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"We were ambushed by them. We were barely keeping out with them, and thought that we almost win. Until... your sister came and froze every soldiers at the exile. Me and everyone were outmatched, both physicall and power as well... she's overwhelming with power, and you're telling me that jessica sealed her? How are we going to defeat her in a year? We don't even stand a chance when she's sealed." Said alisa with a sad face.

"We will defeat her... it won't be the same like the last time." I said.

"WE hope that you will. By the way... what did you guys learnt? Can you teach me some of them?" Asked alisa.

"A lot... i learnt some new things as well. Though i still don't know your power alisa." I said.

"My power is to nullify any attacks. Does that help?" Asked alisa.

"Hmm... what do you think isla?" I asked.

"That's actually new... i never heard anything that can stop 'talent', but seal." Said isla.

"Talent?" Asked alisa.

"O yeah... we learnt that our powers are called talents. Talents are divided into three. Ability user, weapon master, and magician. Ability comes from their body, just like my healing ability and my superhuman strength. Weapon master is good at weapons like sword, guns and more. they're not that rare but there are some people who's very good at it like takeru. Magicians are the most famous talent, they're strong enough to cast a spell to activate their own talents by adding weapon master and ability into themself. Although it wasn't permanent, magic is still the most dangerous talent. Well... sometimes we can't tell the difference between magic and ability. But it's actually pretty simple. Magic has lots of tricks behind it, and ability only have one or two." I said.

"So... that means my talent is 'ability'?" Asked alisa.

"I think so..." i said.

"Though i never heard anything about that kind of ability, you can't nullify a talent such as weapon master right? And i don't think it's from this world either. Alisa... are you sure you are from this world?" Asked isla.

"I don't know... i never know who my parents were, i only lived with my friend when i'm still in a school. After that i left when i found out about exile." Said alisa.

"Well... that doesn't matter right? As long as you have someone who knows who you are, right?" I asked with a smile.

"Heheh... you're right." Said alisa with a smile.

"By the way... where are the others?" I asked.

"We all went to find other rebels. We were hoping by going separate ways, we would increase the firepower needed to fight the governent. There are currently four rebels has enough power to fight the governent. Wrath, freedom, serenity and protect. Natalie and i joined 'protect'. Gordon and eve joined 'freedom', in fact they were the leader. Tina, tim, and owen joined 'serenity'. Amrun and yuka joined 'wrath'." Said alisa.

"Things sure changed a lot." I said.

30 minutes later...

"We're here." Said alisa.

It's like an underground base. They have lots of soldiers. They all still looked young to me. Only some of them are older than me.

"Let's go... the four rebels have prepared themself and waiting for your arrival." Said alisa.

"Me? Why me?" I asked.

"You're our only hope of defeating your sister. You need to see our leader first." Said alisa as she lead the way.

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