Chapter 2

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Raph's POV

It has been a week since we found her and she's still unconscious, but we had moved her from the table in Donnie's lab, to the spare bedroom. I had come to see if she was awake yet when she started to stir. As her eyes fluttered open I couldn't help but stare. I knew it was wrong but she was to beautiful to look away. I couldn't help it. I had just met her and I was already turning into a softie.

"Hey," She said simply, looking at me.

"Hey," I couldn't help but crack a smile.

"What's your name?," she asked me still looking into my eyes.

"My name is Raphael, but you can call me Raph" I told her. "What's yours?"

She replied instantly, "My name is (y/n). It's nice to meet you Raph."

I smiled even bigger when she spoke my name. "I should probably go get my brothers and tell them that your awake." I was almost out the door when I heard (y/n) call my name, so I turned around and looked at her, raising my eyebrows.

"Thank you." She said shyly.

I walked back over to her, "For what?" I asked.

She replied simply, "For helping me."

I nodded my head slightly and walked out the door to go find my brothers.

Your POV

All you could think about while you slept, were those beautiful, emerald green eyes, and how much you wanted to see them again. When you finally opened your eyes, your wish was granted, because sitting only a few feet away from you, were the same eyes from your dream, and the who held them. Only after he shifted in his seat, did you notice that he was staring right at you. It was obvious that you had to be the first one to talk so you started with a shy "hey." After you said that small, simple word, he snapped out of his trance and began a conversation with you. After your conversation had come to an end, Raph went to go get his brothers. A little while later, he came back into your room with three other turtles.

"Hi, my name is (y/n)."

"It's nice to see that your awake (y/n)," said the turtle with a blue mask, "my name is Leonardo, Leo for short."

The orange clad turtle spoke next, "The names Michelangelo, but you can call me Mikey, dudette."

Lastly was the purple clad turtle, "My name is Donatello, Donnie for short. Ok (y/n), I'm going to have to take you to my lab to run some tests on your leg."

"Um...ok...sure, should we go do that now?"

"Yes we will go do that now, but first just try to stand up."

As you tried to stand you could feel a slight burning in your leg, but you also new that the mutagen that mutated you had given you healing powers, so once the bandage was off, you could heal your leg.

"Hey, Donnie," you said wanting to ask him a question, "would it be possible for you to take the bandage off my leg, you know, like now?"

"Um...sure (y/n), but why right this second?" Donnie asked.

"You'll see." You replied, sitting back down and waiting for the bandage to come off. As soon as it came off, you winced just looking at it. It felt a lot better then it looked. You placed your hands on your burnt leg, wincing at the pain as the turtles watch your every move. After a little while, you moved your hands away and looked at the turtles, who were staring at you like you were crazy.

Mikey was the first to talk, "How did you do that?" He asked, amazed at the sight of your suddenly healed leg.

"Can't all mutants do that?" You asked all the turtles.

"No," they all said at once.

You got up again and started walking around the room. Your legs were a little stiff from laying down for a week, but your leg didn't hurt anymore.

"Sorry, (y/n) but I still need to bring you to my lab to do some tests," Donnie said, breaking the silence that had fallen over them.

"After your boring tests are finished, we can play some video games, dudette!" Mikey said with an excited look on his face.

"Or you could meditate with me," this came from Leo.

Raph decided to join in with, "Or you could spar with me in the dojo." He suggested.

"Those all sound like fun but I'm going to have to think about it." You said following Donnie to his lab, leaving the other turtles behind you.

Once you were in Donnie's lab he began his tests. After a little while he decided that you could leave while he looked at the results. So you went into what looked like the living room and sat down on the couch. When you thought you were alone, you were joined by Mikey, Raph, and Leo.

"So did you think about what you want to do, dudette?" Mikey asked you.

"Actually, yeah I did," you said looking at all of them. Out of all the suggestions you knew that you only wanted to talk to one person right now, "After a week of sitting on that bed, I'm pretty stiff, so I think sparring would be a good choice."

Raph nodded his head and you followed him to the dojo. You were about to start when you were all called into the living room. You walked back into the living room to see a tall human-sized rat. He was wrapped in a red kimono and carried a walking stick with him. He motioned for you and Raph to sit with the other turtles. Once you sat down he started.

"Hello (y/n), I am Master Splinter, my sons told me that you were being attacked by the Kraang, is that correct?" The giant rat asked.

"Um...yeah that's correct."

"Would you like to start from the beginning and tell us more about yourself?" Splinter asked you.

"Sure, so it all started when I was about 3 years old," you started, looking into the eyes of each turtle, then back at the rat.

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