Chapter 3

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Your POV

You were about to tell your story when you were interrupted by sudden laughter. You looked around to see Mikey bursting into laughter. You were about to yell at him but Master Splinter beat you to it.

"Michelangelo, what is so funny that you have to interrupt (y/n)'s story for?"

"What...oh nothing's funny, your just all so serious I thought I'd lighten the mood." Mikey replied. His reply only earned him a smack on the head from Raph.

"We are very sorry for interrupting (y/n), please, go on," Master Splinter told you.

"Let's see, well my parents have been dead a while now," you started, looking into the eyes of the turtles and their rat master who sat before you. "I was an orphan for many years of my human life. Back in Japan my father used to be close friends with a man named Oroku Saki. When my father was young the two of them had been inseparable, until one day something had changed inside of Saki. He came after my father calling himself The Shredder." You stopped to take a deep breath before continuing, "My father tried to protect me and my mother, thinking that Shredder was after us, not him. But he was wrong when he told my mother to take me and run. I was 3 at the time, but little did I know that I was about to lose everything I ever loved. Later that day my mother had decided that we were going to New York City to start a new life. She knew that my father was in grave danger, but that she had to leave to protect me. Later when I was about 5, The Shredder had come to New York City in search of me and my mother. By then my mother had passed away due to the depression she had after my fathers demise. After my mother passed away I was left with no one. I was chased by a gang called the Purple Dragons, and made their weekly punching bag. One day after my weekly beating I was crying in an alley, when a tall Japanese man started walking towards me. I was scared and I thought that he was going to hurt me too, until he reached for my hand and asked me if I trusted him. I said yes and he took me to his home. He was a Master in ninjutsu, and he trained me to be a kunoichi so that I could defend myself against the Purple Dragons. He raised me as his daughter.

I was about to continue when Mikey interrupted abruptly, "WAIT?! You know ninjutsu?!?!"

"Clam it shellbrains, let (y/n) finish!" Raph yelled to Mikey as he hit him over the head.

"Sorry.." Mikey apologized as he rubbed his head.

"It's okay. Yes, I do know ninjutsu. Anyways... One day my Sensei told me that he had to go on a mission in Japan, and that he would return home within the month. Well a month had passed and my Sensei still had not returned. Later in the next month I received a note saying that my adopted father had been murdered, but that they had not yet found the killer. I was very depressed that I lost the one person I had left in my life. I was evicted from my home and forced to live on the streets. Shortly after that I was chased down buy some robots with slimy alien brain things inside that called themselves the Kraang. They were after something called mutagen. At the time, I was still young and did not know what the substance was, I was still human. About 2 weeks ago I was climbing up the ladder on the side of a building to the rooftop where I had been living since I was 7. I was about to climb up when I saw something glowing in the alley below me, so I decided to see what it was. I discovered that it was a glowing green ooze. I picked it up and started bringing it up to the roof, I heard a noise behind me and turned around. There was a man behind me, so I said hi and started climbing up to the rooftop again. He shot something at my head but I ducked under it, and it hit the wall right above my head. I was startled and lost my grip on the ladder, before I could react and grab the ladder again, I started falling to the ground. The ooze fell with me, it hit the ground, broke open, and splattered all over me. I have lived in that abandoned subway train, where you guys found me, ever since my mutation." I tell him my story. His eyes seemed to soften more as the story went on.

"Let me tell you our story, (y/n)," Master Splinter said.


"My name was not always Splinter, I was once human, and when I was, my name, was Hamato Yoshi. The one now known as Shredder and I, we grew up together, as brothers, but as we got older, we both fell in love with a woman named Tang Shen. I was the one to win Tang Shen's heart, and Oroku Saki, Shredder's real name, was unhappy about that. He discovered that he was adopted and was originally from the Foot Clan. He rebuilt the Foot army and attacked Tang Shen, my baby daughter Miwa, and I. He set my house ablaze and ended up killing Tang Shen and taking Miwa away from me. He raised my daughter as his own, he changed her name, she is now known as Karai. Eventually, I bought four baby turtles from a pet shop, as I was walking home we got turned into mutants by the same mutagen that changed you. I turned into a rat and the turtles grew to be like humans, but they were turtles still. I raised them as my sons, and named them after my favorite Renaissance artists and I trained them in ninjutsu." Splinter explains.

"I did not know, I am sorry for the loss of Tang Shen."

"No need to apologize, my daughter." Splinter said to you. "Because you have nowhere to stay and no one in your life, I will accept you into our home. You can stay here and live with us. But, you must train with me and my sons. I know having a new sensei will be hard, but that is the one condition I have if you are to live with us," Splinter said.

Tears filled my eyes, "Yes! Thank you Splinter! I will train with you and the guys. I have no one, but with you five, I have a family. I have something to live for."

It was decided, I had a new home, a new family, a new sensei, a new life.

The Lizard Girl (TMNT 2012) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now