Chapter 4

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Raph's POV

I was so frickin' happy when Master Splinter offered (y/n) to stay in our home and live with us. I don't know why though.. but I felt even more happy when she accepted his offer! 'Ugh, why am I so happy anyway? I've met other girls, like April and Karai, but I never get this feeling around them. I'm not sure what's going on, but I could feel my face getting hot just thinking about her. I hate that so many people have hurt her and I just want to be there for her. They'll all pay! Wait, why do I care so much? I only just met her. She's just so... Wait, where did Leo, Donnie, and Mikey go?' I thought to myself. They must've gone to there rooms. Now it's just sensei and I sitting here with (y/n).

"Raphael, would you please go get (y/n) a pillow and blanket. She will sleep on the couch for tonight, and tomorrow we will find her a bed to stay in." Splinter said, waiting.

"Hai Sensei," I told him and left the room. When I came back into the living room (y/n) was the only one there, so I figured that sensei went to bed. I walked up to (y/n) and gave her the stuff, but when I did her fingers brushed up against mine, making me blush. I turned around quickly, hiding my blushing face. I was almost in my room when I felt small arms wrap around my shell from behind. (Y/n) let go of me after a few seconds so that I could turn around, but when I did, her face was beet red. I chuckled to myself.

"Raph?" She asked shyly.

"Yeah, (y/n)?"

"Thanks for letting me stay here with you guys, I really appreciate it." She said with a smile on her face.

I nodded slowly, "If you need anything, this is my room. Just come get me."

"Goodnight," she said in a small voice.

"Goodnight, (y/n)." I turned around and left the room, hoping she didn't see that I was blushing the whole time I was talking to her.

I walked sleepily to my bed and laid there thinking about (y/n). Her eyes were so beautiful. Her hair too. Her smile makes me melt, along with her laugh and voice. The way she says my name, everything about her is beautiful. What the shell? Why am I thinking about her? DO I HAVE FEELINGS FOR (Y/N)?! Hah, I have hopeless feelings for a beautiful girl who will never like me. I'm just gonna die one lonely mutant... 'Shut up Raph and go to sleep' I argued with myself for another 5 minutes until I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Your POV

After Raph left the room you heard Master Splinter speak.

"I hope you sleep well tonight, my daughter."

"Thank you sensei," you thanked him as you bowed (like the turtles do).

Master Splinter turned and walked silently to his own room.

Raphael returned with the blanket and pillow and handed them to you. When he did, your fingers lightly brushed and you could have sworn that you saw him blush. He turned around quickly, almost like he was trying to hid the blush, and started walking into what you were guessing is his room. Before you even knew what you were doing, you got off the couch, and wrapped your small arms around Raph from behind. After a few seconds you decided to let go, and see if he would turn around, or keep walking to his room. To your surprise, he turned around and looked right at you. You felt your face getting hotter, but you tried to keep your cool.

"Raph," you asked, your voice small and shy.

"Yeah, (y/n)?" He replied.

"Thanks for letting me stay here with you guys, I really appreciate it."

He nodded slowly, "If you need anything, this is my room. Just come get me."

"Goodnight," you said.

"Goodnight, (y/n)." He turned around and left the room.

You walked back over to the couch and laid down. 'I think I have feelings for Raph,' you thought to yourself, while getting comfortable on the couch. 'That couldn't have been more embarrassing, and I'm pretty sure that my face was more red than his bandana. He is really cute though,' you thought to yourself, drifting off to sleep.

~~~time skip to the morning~~~

You wake up to see Mikey running straight towards you. He doesn't notice that your awake, because your eyes are only open a little bit, so he keeps running. All of a sudden he jumps and lands next to you on the couch, trying to wake you up, (You never really eat, so your super light), and you fly right off the couch into the air. As your flying you see Mikey and everyone staring at you, to shocked to do anything, but right before you you hit the ground, you land on something almost as hard. You look up to see Raph's beautiful, emerald green eyes staring right at you.

"Are you okay?" He asked you softly.

You are to stunned to speak so you just nod.

He puts you down gently on the floor. Mikey immediately runs up to you and wraps his arms around you in a giant bear hug.

"I'm sorry (y/n), I didn't mean to make you fly off the couch!" Mikey says to you, looking like he might cry. You feel the air leaving your lungs as you try to breath. Raph sees you turning purple, gasping for air, so he steps in.

"Let her breath shellhead," Raph yells, pulling Mikey off of you.

"Thanks," you whisper in Raph's ear, causing him to blush a bright pink. After you catch your breath you turn to Mikey. "It's okay Mikey, I'm fine."

Mikey's face brightens a little before he says, "Do you want any breakfast? I made pancakes."

"Sure, I'm starving," you say before sitting down to eat your pancakes.

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