Little rant (sorry)

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  So I've noticed a lot lately when I read stories people publish they always say after a while 'I don't like this story' or 'I'm thinking about deleting it.

Then the next time they update they say 'you guys like it so I'll continue for you guys.' I see why you do that I've done it before but hear me out.

If you don't enjoy writing the story you are writing then don't keep writing it, even though it annoys me that sometimes people stop writing books it's better than continuing it if you don't like it.

I write books I would read/enjoy and that's why I like writing them because I enjoy it. Although some people might say 'nooooo please it's a good story' only continue writing if you want to.

They will eventually get over it because they will understand you didn't want to continue and if they don't understand that's their problem.

Write for yourself not for other people, it's your book not theirs. If it's your first time writing I understand the first time I wrote a story it was kinda hard because I would have mixed emotions about it.

If it helps, make a plot first, if you don't like the plot don't write the story. Also sometimes if you write chapter ahead of time that helps a lot because you can read them again and give it some time to think.

And to some readers, don't be a jerk, I always see comments on some story's, for example if it's based off a movie and they don't follow the plot, people will say 'this never happened.' Or 'but this happened instead of this'.

Just read the story and if it really bothers you there is this cool button that looks like an arrow that goes back so you don't have the read the story anymore!!1!1!

Also keep negative opinions to yourself I'm positive the writer does not want to hear it. Say something nice like 'this is a really good story'

Writers like that stuff, sorry if I seem kind of rude about this but I just had to get it off my chest, what I said to the writers was not meant to be rude it was sort of advice to only write something if you enjoy it.

Also another way to be a cool person is dedicating stuff to someone or if a book gave you inspiration tell the author it will make their day trust me.

Also don't copy stuff from other people's story, if you copy someones story or you pretty much rewrite someone's chapter, even if you give credit it's still annoying, not just to them, it kind of means you didn't put thought into your chapter, and they did, so the time they took putting thought into a story you took. If it's a remake of a similar plot but different characters/dialogue that's okay. As long as it's not the exact same thing, and you put thought into it.

And also if someone makes a spelling error don't point it out especially if it says unedited it says that for a reason and I'm sure they will fix it soon, I plan on writing my chapters then fixing them (i know stupid but still)

Again sorry for the rant I wanted to get that message out there! Moral of the story, enjoy wattpad and please don't be negative.

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