"With the baptismal sword, the impurities in thy flesh have been expunged." Quentin said as he held the sword over Sky as Sky kneeled down.Sky then stood up and walked up the church steps and towards a tall clock, which has been silent for many years.
Once Sky made it up a few steps a smile appeared on his face, he saw Jason in the suite standing with a white robe in his hands.
Sky kneeled on one knee as he looked up at the clock. "Until the day when my heartbeat falls silent, I shall continue to protect the name and pride of the Vesalius house hold! This, I now vow upon this land and my true friends!" Sky placed his hand on the clock which was titled the clock of silence.
His speech was now over and he could hear clapping from the crowd, but suddenly the clock hands moved. Skys eyes widened and he looked up at the clock.
Hearing the normal tick tock that clocks make. The crowd gasped and worry surrounded everyone in the church.
But soon the church fell completely silent. Sky glanced down to see that everyone had froze in place, almost like statues.
What is going on..?!
Suddenly the windows shattered and people wearing red cloaks jumped down and surrounded Sky.
"He's the one! He's the one!" One of them cheered, an arm wrapped itself around Skys neck and pulled him back.
"J-Jason!?" Sky struggled against Jason's grip but it was impossible to break out. A knife was raised up against Skys shoulder and then plunged in.
Sky screamed in pain as the knife was pushed in deeper and then pulled out, "the blade of a friend glitters Crimson and the drops crave a path to the distant place..." One cloaked figure said and walked forward.
A bright light clouded Skys vision as a magic circle appeared around him, "now then, shall we move onto the judgement?" Another figure asked excitedly.
The figure walked up to Sky as Jason let go and backed away. Suddenly a black mist surrounded Sky and everyone else.
The boy from before appeared behind him, "your really pathetic aren't you kid ?" The boy asked as a purple and black creature formed in the boys place.
Skys eye widened and he backed away from the creature, "do you intend to interfere again!?" A cloaked figure asked bitterly.
The creature growled and took form of the boy from before again, "how could you say that? I just wanted to join in on the fun! Plus, this boy here if mine! Don't lay a hand on him!" The boy said and laughed.
"Yours...?" Sky repeated quietly, what was happening? He's the boy from before! But how...? It was only a dream, right..?
At this point, Sky only felt that he was trying to make himself believe that this was all a dream...but he knew that it wasn't.
" I made up my mind just now! you, hold your tongue! Hey apple cloaks...if you're planning on killing him, I'll do everything in my power to stop you. See, I won't allow you to take away my belongings...! But you don't intend on killing him right?" The boy stated/asked.
Jason held his stinging head, "you want to drop him into the abyss!" The boy said, Jason's and Skys eyes widened. "W-what..?! Isn't that just a story..?" Sky whispered.
"They say that a messenger from the abyss visits this who have committed deadly sins, and takes theme way to a terribly scary place!"
The boy laughed and stood in front of Sky, "is that right? So this boys coming to our side then!? What a great day this is!" The boys form changed yet again to the purple and black creature.
Chains surrounded the creature as the red cloaks dodged it's attacks, Jason sat up and looked at the main cloaked person.
"J-just what are you accusing master Sky in doing..? There is absolutely no reason for you to take him away!" Jason screamed. Sky looked at the red cloaked person, a sword was gripped tightly in his hand.
"Stop it Jason! Hurry and get away!" Sky shouted as Jason walked up to the cloaked person but tripped and fell. His eyes widened once he saw who was under the cloak, making him freeze in place.
"Y-you are...." The figure chuckled and watched as Sky picked up the sword from before and rushed at him. Time seemed to slow down, the creature stopped as well as the other cloaked people.
Jason quickly ran in front of the person "Sky! You mustn't hit this person! He's-" Sky was too quick and the sword was brought down.
Everything was silent, Jason fell to the ground with a loud echoing thud, a huge wound covered his chest. Skys hands became like jello as well as his legs.
His sword was dropped to the ground beside him, "j-Jason....w-w-wha..." Sky feel to his knees starring blankly at the his fallen friend.
"I-I killed..." Sky covered his ears as he starred at the ground. The boy smirked as he started to fade away "I'll wait for you to come...my key..." He whispered as he faded.
The cloaked figures re-surrounded Sky as he sat there terrified. "Sky Vesalius, with my chain of condemnation. I herby pronounce judgment on you...Your Sin is your very being!" The man grabbed onto Skys shirt as chains grabbed tightly around his arms and legs.
Then the chains slowly pulled Sky down into the portal the appeared below him, his mind was racing and many questions flooded into his head.
Was he going to die..!?
His vision became cloudy as his body felt numb and dead, he couldn't move or fight back.
Was this a dream? No...it couldn't be. There was just no way...!
Sorry, this chapter is sorter than others cause I wanted to end it here and have the next chapter start it off so...yeah sorry...!
Simon : I knew this would happen...
Jess : * is sad cause she wanted the lead role...*
Jason : How come I turned against master!?
Sky : I killed Jason!?~Admin

Minecraft Pandora Hearts AU
Fanfiction(PH stands for Pandora Hearts) Sky vessalius is about to turn 15, and a heir to a prestigious family, he must under go a coming of age ceremony. Skys care-free life changes when a group of red cloaked figures appear, they cast him into the prison kn...