"Someone once said, that place is engulfed in darkness. However, that does not mean that there was never any light."The hot blazing sun was shining brightly in the light blue sky. Soft bird chirps echoed around the clean mansion. A soft breeze lifted lime green leaves and took them away up into the sky.
All was calm and peaceful, that is until...
"Young master Sky!? Young master Sky where are you hiding!?" A maid called out as she and two others marched around the mansion halls. They looked in about every room that there was. Yet, there was no sign of the young master anywhere.
"Young master~?!" She opened an oak door to find a small honey brown haired boy sitting near the window of an old office room. The maid smiled and walked on over to the boy.
"Jason, do you know where the young master is? Surely you do since your his servant...!" the maid questioned, Jason shook his head and starred back out the window.
"Sorry, but I haven't seen the master Sky since breakfast." Jason said and crossed his arms. The maid glared at the boy, she knew that he was hiding something.
He's wasn't a good liar, especially when he was trying to hide something.
"Y-you don't think that he's planning on missing the ceremony!?" One of the maids suggested, the main maid gasped at the thought of the young master skipping the greatest ceremony in ages!
Then an idea appeared in her mind....
"You know...I have herd from the young master that you have a phobia of cats!" She then grabbed a fluffyWhite cat out of one of the other maids hands and shoved it towards Jason.
Jason's eyes widened and he fell out of his chair, landing with a thud on the hard wooden floor. The cat gave soft meows as Jason backed away towards the wall.
"H-He's in the back garden! I-I swear!" Jason whined and covered his face with his arms as a defense. The maid set the cat down and laughed "The garden hmm?" They all rushed out of the room in search of the master.
Jason sighed and leaned up against the wall, "Y-You may come out now m-master Sky..." He said shakily, still keeping distance from the small harmless cat.
The closet door opened and a boy with messy chocolate brown hair jumped out, along with a much younger girl that had jet black hair.
Sky laughed and patted Jason on the back. "I can't believe it worked! Good job Jason!" He smiled and adjusted his glasses. "Come on! I wanna show you something!" Sky said and ran out into the hall. Jason followed quickly behind.
But a pair of hands grabbed onto the back of Skys and Jason's shirts. Sky glanced up and smiled "Uncle Quentin!" Jess cheered and hugged the mans leg.
(( Aphmau is Jess the little girl~!))
Quentin chuckled and let go of the two, while patting Jess on the head. "Please don't make the maids worry too much Sky." He said as all four of them walked into his office.
Sky plopped down on the small light blue couch while Jason and Jess sat down on the darker blue couch across from it. "It wasn't my fault that they can't find me!" Sky replied.
Quentin leaned against the wall next to a large window and sighed. "Your ceremony is in a few hours, so please don't hide all day." Sky nodded and messed around with his amulet.
"It's the great coming of age ceremony for the next head of the Vesalius family, one of the great dukedoms...Sky Vesalius. The maids are just stressed!" Quentin explained with a slight chuckled, while he glanced out the window.

Minecraft Pandora Hearts AU
Fanfiction(PH stands for Pandora Hearts) Sky vessalius is about to turn 15, and a heir to a prestigious family, he must under go a coming of age ceremony. Skys care-free life changes when a group of red cloaked figures appear, they cast him into the prison kn...