Chapter Six

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You speak the language of the storm I speak in the verse of shelter you offer words of strength I whisper syllables of apology and we are forever lost in translation.


"I'm not sure about this guys" I said anxiously to Nikki and Emily that were gushing about how we looked.
"What are you talking about? We look hot!"
Encouraged Nikki. I adjusted my hijab for the last time and checked over my outfit. I was wearing black skinny jeans, and a black long sleeved basic shirt. A brown belt seperating the two materials, brown wedges matching the belt and a brown leather jacket. My hijab style consisted of a brown under scarf and black pashmina that looked hooded with the halal amount of volume at the back. My makeup was light just some concealer, mascara and eyeliner. I also added some lip balm and blush brightening up my face. I had to admit that I looked good but I still didn't feel good going to this party. I smiled at myself in the mirror being proud of the fact that I can feel good without having to show skin while my two best friends had to show their legs and cleavage to feel confident.

Emily was wearing a black sequined dress that reaches mid thigh showing off her long tan legs. I was jealous and really loved them, she doesn't even realize how good they look. She was wearing killer black heels and her hair was in loose curls around her head. Her face was bronzed and  she had minimum makeup on. Nikki on the other hand is more dramatic. She had on a green army tube dress that stopped just below her bum. It hugged her curves and shaped her body. It had pockets on the breast area and she had a black jacket over it. Her makeup was wild and beautiful and her hair was in an up do. She also had leather heel boots on that reached to her knee. We looked hot and we knew it.
"Are you ready girls?"
asked Nikki with a devious grin.We looked at each other one more time before nodding
"oh yeah"

It felt just like every other summer we got dressed up and went to crazy high school parties. I liked being with them and still acting the same even though I'm Muslim now. I am obviously not going to be doing anything against my religion since I love it and treasure it too much. It just felt good to be reunited with them again.

"So girls lets show them how hot we are"
Emily squealed as we left the car and were arm in arm. People stared at us as we left the car. Emily and Nikki added an extra sway to their walk which left me with no choice but to follow. This is where the cool slow motion scene comes in. You know when the three girls look super hot and they have long gorgeous legs that walk like models in sync. Theres some mysterious wind that makes their hair fly as they smirk knowing they look good. Well skip the wind bit because my hijab would ruin. Also some cool music like skrillex playing out of nowhere in the background making the scene that much dramatic. Where they walk with their eyebrows raised looking straight not paying anyone any attention. I'm sure you've got the picture, anyways that didn't happen to us. In fact everyone was too drunk to even notice us. There were red plastic cups littered around the trimmed yard of Brads house. Lets just say, he has a massive house. His parents will probably kill him for this but he doesn't care as you see. The floor vibrated with the beat of the music beneath our feet as we walked towards the door. The song currently playing was "Rack City"by Tiggah and I couldn't help but get excited. It feels just like the old days. We finally got inside the house and I instantly regretted coming. It was the cliche'd high school party you would expect. People smelt of sweat and alcohol. The music was deafeningly loud. Everyone was grinding and humping each other. Girls wore dresses that you could mistake for tops. Everyone was drinking while some people were already passed out on the floor. I looked around horrified as I heard Nikki squeal in excitement. I felt Emily tugging me towards the main room where everyone was dancing. If I weren't who I am now I would have probably screeched with excitement as well running to the dance floor and getting it down. But now it's different and I regretted coming here. I felt terrified. What if the same thing that happened to me the last time I was here happens again?

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