Chapter Seven

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I Cheated with my fears, broke up with my doubts, got engaged with my faith, and married my dreams.


"My head"

Nikki groaned with her head on the table clutching her hair in her hands. She transferred to this school yesterday when she found out I was going to study here (perks of being a rich white girl). Her and Emily have been complaining about their hangovers the whole morning. We are currently sitting on our lunch table with the rest of the crew. No one is in a good mood since their too busy nursing their hangovers. I smiled proudly knowing how much it must hurt and the fact that I don't have to go through that.

"No one told you to drink so much babe, stop complaining about it, you're making my head hurt"

I said ironically to Nikki who was now glaring at me through her beautiful long lashes.

"I just don't understand how you drank but didn't get a hangover. It doesn't make sense"

she asked curiously. Everyone on the table looked at me as well. I smiled at them before saying.

"I have a remedy that allows me to drink as much as I can but never get a hangover"

They all looked at me surprised and anxiously waiting for my answer as I exaggeratedly looked more interested at my pizza.

"So what is it?"

Asked Tyler impatiently. I bit the tip of my triple cheese margarita pizza and grinned at them 

"Its easy. Don't drink alcohol"

They all groaned and flipped me off going back to what they were doing as I laughed loudly knowing it would hurt their heads.

"Well who do we have here?"

I heard a deep voice whisper into my ear. I jumped up startled and turned to look at the source that the voice came from. Everyone on the table turned to look at me as I dropped my pizza and spilt my drink.


I said as I put tissue on the now black stained table cloth because of my coke.

There was a guy who looked about eighteen years of age standing behind me. My drink was forgotten as I looked at him. He had dark hair about an inch or two long, ruffled in many directions giving him that sexy laid back look. He had beautiful piercing grey eyes and a sculpted chiseled face. His eyebrows were thick and framed his long dark eyelashes that girls would be jealous of. His cheekbones highlighted his face and outlined his strong jaw. He was beautiful, not hot or good looking but absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful. He smirked content with the idea of me checking him out. We stared at each other for a while and his smirk disappeared as his eyes wavered around my face. Something flickered in his eyes and he looked as surprised as I was. My heart sank in my chest and tears blurred my view as my eyes familiarized with his face. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath begging my heart not to recognize this boy as I felt my throat being clogged. I opened my eyes and stared right into his. His hands were being supported by my two sides of the bench so you could see how close our position was. I found the pecks of gold I used to always love counting as I looked into his eyes. His smile that made my heart melt and his strong hands that were always so gentle whenever they traveled down my cheek. Tears betrayed my eyes and a sob escaped my mouth as my heart couldn't handle seeing him. His eyes looked at me surprised and curious as mine screamed out pain and hurt and fear. His eyebrows were arched and flashbacks of that night replayed in my head as I franticly looked around. His hand twitched on the side of the table and I tried to push them away so I could get away from him. Everyone in the cafeteria was now watching us.

"Get off me"

I screamed at the top of my voice as he tried to stop me from running away. I hate being touched, thanks to him.

"Why? What did I do?"

He asked as my friends all stood up watching me scream and yell and try to shake him off. Brad pushed the guy off me and Tyler and the guys yelled at him as they also held Brad back. Emily and Nikki were by my side as they held me in their arms shushing me and telling me to calm down as they walked me to the bathroom. The whole cafeteria watched us with shocked expressions.

I was still historically sobbing as I went into the bathroom. There was a group of girls in there gossiping and fixing their hair and makeup as we walked in. They all looked at me shocked and Nikki yelled at them to leave. They jumped up running around taking their belongings and hurriedly left the bathroom. Emily checked all the cubicles making sure no one was in them as Nikki held me tight to her chest. I was so weak I could barely muster the strength to hold on to her shirt. I felt like such a baby but I don't care. What hurt the most was that he didn't even remember me. He didn't even recognize me. Nikki sat me down on the leather sofa that was in the bathroom as I sobbed a little more.

Yes we have Sofas in the bathrooms. We also had mahogany wooden floor and white marble sinks. There was long mirrors lining the walls and they had accessory holders between them. There was a side with sofas and magazines and nail polishes and hair straighteners. Again, perks of being at an American private school where students walk around in Gucci and Armani as if it's Primark.
I guess our teachers being the ones who actually wrote the books is why you would expect children of prestige parents to attend.

One hour later of crying and Nikki kicking out anyone that came in the bathroom I was calmed down. I had my scarf on the table of the restroom and I was laying down on the sofa on Emily's lap. She messaged my hair and told me a story. I felt empty, drained. I didn't think I would ever have to face him again.
Nikki was on the phone frantically giving out to someone as she walked up and down the restroom. I concentrated on her as I tried to distract my thoughts from going back to that boy. She was wearing a Chanel black pencil skirt that stopped at her knee. It had a strip of silk going through the middle and it was beautiful as it showed her curves. It was also not too fancy and Didnt take the attention away from the Alexander McQueen red sequined shirt.

"Don't tell him"

I finally croaked. My voice sounded gruff and I cleared my throat as they both looked at me surprised. I was staring up at the ceiling.

"He didn't recognize me and I want to keep it that way"

I said to them more confidently as I closed my eyes and fell into a disturbing sleep about that night.

Did I really mean nothing to him? Did he not love me like he said he did?

Thing is, not an explanation nor an apology would even give me back what I lost.


Authors note;

Salam guys, here's the next chapter.

I hope you love this one :D and its exactly on time as well :D

The exams are coming up as well so I hope everyone does great inshallah.

Again please vote and comment it means a lot to me :D


Safa xxx

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