My old writting (a collaboration with my bestie)

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This is a collaboration with acole2310 check her out
*Ty's POV*
     I walk over to my chest and open the top to see that there's no more oak wood.I wanted to make a second floor to my house.
"Shoot...." I say to myself. (And you couldn't wait until it was the daytime because we all know where this is going)
I then turn to my right to look out into the night.
"Should I even bother...."(probably not)
I walk up to my window to see more outside. Not many mobs out from the looks of it.
"I'm sure i'll be fine." (Omc lowercase "I"s are the death of me.)
I go back to my chest and take out my stone axe and close the top of my chest. I then walk up to my door and take a deep breath, still hoping no mobs will see me. (Spoiler alert they do) I then open my door and walk outside, closing it behind me and I run to the nearest oak tree. Chopping it down and collecting the wood, I hear a zombie groaning from behind me. I turn around and see the zombie coming up to me. (Of course) I turn again and run away from the zombie, that just attracted more zombies. (Wait didn't he have an axe?)So now 4 where chasing me. Not paying attention as to where I'm going, I end up tripping on a tree stump (yes because those totally exist in minecraft) and falling to the ground. The zombies get closer and closer, groaning louder.
"Someone, please, help me!" I yell, hoping to get someones attention.
One of the zombies raised it's arms, about to attack until an arrow hit it in the side.(that was the most opportune timing)All 4 zombies turned around to where the arrow came from.( I haven't played in a while so correct me if I am wrong but they don't do that) They start to walk over to the person. I turned my  head to see a black figure fighting the zombies. I just stare in amazement, watching the zombies' bodies fall to the ground, dead. Still staring at the figure, trying to see who it was, it walked out of the darkness towards me. I start to see a guy in an astronaut suit. He holds his hand out to me to help pull me up. I take his hand and he pulls me up.
"Uhh.. T-Thanks.." I say to him, still frightened.(would be terrified too if a random guy in an astronaut suit just saved me from zombies)

*Jason's POV*
I finally dig to the surface from the mine down below, I take out my compass and turn to the north. I am just about to enter my dirt shack when I hear someone yell not to far away. I ran with my bow ready to shoot. I see horde of zombies crowding around a frightened boy. (Jason I'm startled!) I string my arrow and shoot. All of the zombies turn to look at me, i switch to my diamond sword. They start attacking but i quickly fight back in the matter of seconds they fall to the ground dead. (Holy mother of run on sentences and lowercase "I"s)the boy seems awestruck to see me get rid of them so easily. I approached and offered my hand to him his face turned slightly pink as he grabbed my hand. (Another freaking run on sentence)
"Uhh.. T-Thanks.." He said still a frightened look still plastered on his face.
"No problem" i said with a smile, "Where do you live?" I asked him. (Just a casual, not stalkerish question to ask someone you literally just met.)
He moved his hair out of his pale face shyly and pointed to a well built wooden house.(and how on earth was that gonna work if I am correct in thinking they are still in minecraft) I nod and start walking towards it with him. There was silence but he seemed comforted by it so I stayed quiet.

*Ty's POV*
"where do you live?" The stranger asked me.
I point to my small house behind him and he started walking towards it. (Oh yeah of course 'where do you live cause I want to walk to your house without you for whatever reason')I quickly catch up and walk behind him. I look up at the starry sky and felt a bit more calm. I always liked the stars. We approach my door and i open it, letting him in.
"No, after you." He said to me while holding the door open with a smile.(Well random person in astronaut suit you are completely welcome into my home as an invitation to KILL ME IN MY SLEEP)
I felt the blush get deeper and i looked away to make sure he didn't see.
"T-Thanks again.." I reply to him as i walk inside, him following me and closing the door. I walk up to my crafting table with the wood i collected before i was attacked and make it into oak planks.
"So..Why were you out there so late? I'm Jason by the way." The guy by the name of Jason said, breaking the awkward silence.
"I-I was getting wood for  second floor of my house..And I'm Ty.."

*Jason's POV*

    His face was as pink as could be and he tried to hide it but I could see it still I could tell he was shy. (WTH even was this sentence) He directed me to an extra room and told me i could sleep there for the night I could get used to this. His house is nicely built, much better than I could ever do. After I took of my leather tunic we sat down at the hearth he grabbed his flint and steel and lit the fire. Warmth floods me immediately (shortest POV ever)

*Ty's POV*

         I keep my face turned, hiding the blush that was still across my face, slight tilting my head down. Making my soft hair fall to my face. To hide the blushing even more. (What kind of sentence is that?) Feeling like he could see how pink I am (Actually in theory he could...)
"Are you hungry? I-I can make you someone to eat if you'd like." (Nope this one wins the award for shortest XD)

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