Chapter XVI: Things Your Grandmother Should Have Explained

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Chapter XVI: Things Your Grandmother Should Have Explained

Larry held his bouquet in front of him, not knowing what to expect, and even wondering if he would be using it as a weapon. The stupid flowers gave away how nervous he was as they shook with every breath he took! Larry/Larissa followed the narrow path as it turned into an open meadow, stepping carefully in his soft silk slippers.

Larry was shocked to see the entire gypsy community appeared to have turned out. Men and women, young and old, even children stood at the sides of the meadow, leaving a path down the centre for him. The scene was lit by torches and the full moon above, and the music wafted over all creating a serene setting. Larry's nervousness eased as he saw everyone smiling at him.

Larry looked to the other side of the meadow, at the end of the path through the gypsies. There stood Gwen on the left, looking beautiful, and beside her were the two gypsy girls who had helped him, all holding their flowers. On the right was Marko, looking incredibly handsome in a dark suit and tie, standing with two other gypsy men that Larry thought he might have seen around the carnival. And in the centre, looking very, very nervous, was the priest from earlier.

Larry walked up and joined the others standing before the priest with Marko. Wow, Marko really did look amazing. "Shut up, hormones!" Larry told himself.

Something about this seemed so familiar. But that was ridiculous, wasn't it? There was no way he had ever attended a gypsy werewolf curse removal ceremony! Yet something nagged at the back of his brain...

"Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis..."

Larry was so preoccupied with his own thoughts that he hadn't even noticed the priest had begun the ceremony. This was important! Larry determined to give the ceremony his full attention.

 "In Primis statuantur vir et mulier..."

"Si vero aliquis impedimentum aliquod proponere voluerit..."

And five minutes later...

"Debet etiam Sacerdos terminum præfigere competentem..."

Holy crap, was it over yet? Larry couldn't believe that a ritual to remove a werewolf curse could be so boring! It was like the worst church service he had ever attended. Larry was glad he had taken a nap earlier because he couldn't keep his eyes open for much more of this. Yet still, he couldn't shake the feeling that it was all somehow familiar.

"Postea dicat Sacerdos ad virum cunctis audientibus in lingua materna sic."

With this, the priest stopped and looked up. Larry watched, hoping it was over, as the priest stared at the two of them before continuing:

"Marko, do you take this woman as thy wedded wife? Do you promise to..."

Unfortunately, much of the rest went unheard by anyone present. As soon as Larry heard the words 'wedded wife' he suddenly realized why this all looked so very familiar to him.

"Hey, hey, hold on!" he shouted. "What, this is a wedding ceremony? And that makes me the bride? Nobody thought to make that clear to me up to now?"

"I do," announced Marko, in reply to the priest who had stoically continued in the face of Larry's rant.

"And Larissa, do you take this man..."

Larry didn't allow the priest to finish. "Stop right there!" he yelled. "When did we do the part about anyone knowing why this couple can't be wed, because I've got something to say to that!"

"I don't understand," said Marko. "I thought you were happy! I have a good job and can take care of you."

"Marko, there are things about me that I think your grandmother should have explained!" said Larry, looking at Zolfina with sparks flying from his lovely green eyes.

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