Chapter XVII: Well Yeah, But So Do I!

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Chapter XVII: Well Yeah, But So Do I!

"Run, run, run. Run, run, run..."

Larissa's thoughts were primitive, feral. She had a purpose; she was purpose, nothing more. And that purpose was woman's most ancient drive; to find, and protect.

Through the forest, into the black night she raced. Speed and exertion blinded Larissa's mind to everything else.

"Run, run, run..."

Dodging trees, leaping fallen logs, hours passed. Larissa was driven by endless energy, and desperate need. Not her own need, never her own, but the need of the beast; that of Marko.

"Run, run, run..."

Branches tore at skin and hair. They left the beautiful gown in tatters, small strips of white taffeta dotting the dark forest like stars in the sky. Larissa shared the forest with the armed police, yet they were easy to spot, easy to avoid. She ran around them as quietly as a deer in the forest. But somewhere out there, Marko was quieter still. Larissa ran, and searched.

"Run, run, run..."

Suddenly the still of the night was broken by a bestial cry. Larissa stopped, cocked an ear to listen, to locate the source of the sound. She looked at the sky. Morning. The moon was setting; The beast was changing.

Marko was in the meadow where it all began, still mostly beast, writhing in pain.

"Hold it right there Talbot!" a voice cried out from the other end of the open space. Miklos! He raised his gun and aimed at Marko.

Marko looked up, raised his head, tried to understand, except the beast was still in control. He stood on his almost-legs and looked at Miklos. Primitive thoughts flooded his mind: Danger, enemy, hate!

Marko leapt at the Detective. The beast could cross the space in an instant, except Marko was only half beast, half human. Miklos fired his gun repeatedly, dropping Marko to the ground.

Larissa gasped! Turning quickly, she ran toward the meadow.

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Larissa burst from the trees. Little remained of the wedding gown other than the corset, filthy and frayed, and a short, tattered skirt. The silk slippers were completely gone, worn to nothing on the forest floor. She was back in the meadow where this long night had begun. And there was Marko, still mostly beast, writhing in pain.

"Hold it right there Talbot!" a voice cried out from the other end of the open space. Miklos! He raised his gun and aimed at Marko.

Marko looked up, raised his head, tried to understand, except the beast was still in control. He stood on his almost-legs and looked at Miklos. Primitive thoughts flooded his mind: Danger, enemy, hate!

Larissa ran from the trees to intersect the beast, even as Marko leapt at the Detective. The beast could cross the space in an instant, except Marko was only half beast, half human. Larissa was not as fast, but fully human. She reached Marko just as Miklos opened fire, leaping upon him and pulling him to the ground.

One bullet hit its mark. Two more struck Larissa as she shielded Marko. Two more went wide as she and Marko tumbled over the grass.

"Crap!" screamed Larry in pain. "Aw, jeez, that freaking hurts! I can't believe you shot me again!" Larry/Larissa watched briefly as the two bullets were forced from the wounds in her arm and side. Still under the curse, they both quickly healed over; thank God for demonic curses! She sat up and turned to the beast.

"Marko!" Larissa cried, kneeling over the half-man. She looked at the red blossom in the centre of Marko's chest and said with tears streaming down both cheeks, "You'll be okay. Bullets can't kill you, remember?"

Marko looked up at Larissa. His face was still that of a beast, but his mind had returned. "No, Larissa. It is too late for me. I've changed."

"No you haven't!" sobbed the young gypsy girl. "You're the beast! Nothing hurts you!"

"Listen to me," said Marko, every word causing him pain. "There is not much time. The transformation has been interrupted, to keep me alive. But when the moon sets the power will be gone, and I will die. I will die like this, half beast. Please Larissa, don't let me die this way."

"What can I do?" Larry asked, wiping away tears with the back of a hand.

"Complete the ceremony," Marko said weakly.

"Marry you?" asked Larry. "But then you'll turn human, and die. And I'll be stuck as a woman forever!"

"Please Larissa!" Marko choked out. "I want to die as a man."

"Well yeah," said Larry. "But so do I!"

Miklos stepped over to where Larry kneeled over Marko. "This one won't live much longer," he said insensitively. "Don't worry miss, Larry Talbot will pay for this death as well."

Larry felt a squeezing in his chest. His shoulders began to twist. The moon was almost set; he was transforming!

Marko looked up. He opened his mouth but was too weak for words.

Larry looked at Miklos, and thought about life in prison. Then Larry looked at Marko, and thought about life. "I do," Larry said, making his promise before God.

Larry's transformation continued. He groaned in agony, as tears of realization formed in the corners of his eyes. The ceremony hadn't worked.

Marko struggled to breathe; the moon could no longer sustain his life. He tried to speak and Larry bent down low to hear the words. With a final effort Marko pushed himself forward, brushing his lips against Larry's.

Larry felt the full power of the transformation pass through the brief kiss, a rush like a strong wind from his body to Marko's. Marko settled back to the ground, and Larry watched as he changed from half beast to fully human.

Larry watched – as bride, wife, and widow, all in the same breath.

Dancescu arrived and stood next to Miklos.

"What's your problem?" asked the Detective.

"Can't help it," said Dancescu as he wiped away a tear. "I always cry at weddings."

Miklos ignored him. He bent down to take Larry by the arm, helping the distraught young gypsy girl to her feet.

"Come on ma'am," he said. "We need to get you away from here." Miklos led Larry away from the gruesome sight, away from the meadow.

"What did you say your name was?" asked Miklos.

Larry looked at the sky. The moon was set, and yet he hadn't changed. The curse was broken.

"Larissa. My name is Larissa," she said.

"Well don't you worry Larissa," Miklos said. "Larry Talbot is going to pay for your husband's death."

Larissa stopped and took one last look at Marko, her husband. She turned away from the scene and faced the Detective.

"He already has."


A/N: So that's it, the final chapter! But there is an epilogue, and rather than make you wait I'm publishing it tonight...

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