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Larissa followed Zolfina as she led the small group along the forest path. Zolfina knew the way; she had been here many times. Gwen was with them as well, walking at Larissa's side and holding her hand, giving her support.

Suddenly Larissa could see that the path was leading to an open area ahead. As they approached it became more obvious; they were at the edge of a tall cliff. The three women approached the edge, protected by a steel guardrail that had been erected to keep hikers safe.

Larissa still wore the simple, black, knee-length dress she had worn at the funeral. It had long sleeves, and this plus her long dark hair had made her uncomfortably warm during their long walk from the highway. So she was relieved when a cool wind blew up from the valley below, washing over the three as they stood gazing out over the landscape.

Larissa was captivated by the breathtaking beauty of the scene. The vivid fall colors of the forests in the valley below stretched out to the far off mountains, broken only by the twisting silvery streams and rivers that crossed the landscape.

"It's simply amazing Grandmother," she said, using the honorific which Zolfina had insisted upon, and to tell the truth, was beginning to feel quite natural. "It's just as beautiful as you described, even more."

"This was Marko's favorite place," Zolfina told them. "He first came here with his mother and father when he was young, barely standing on his own. Marko always said he could remember his mother holding his hand so tight! There was no railing in those days. But I'm not sure that is true; he was so young."

"What happened to his mother?" Larissa asked.

"She died," Zolfina answered. "It was her time. I don't know why it is that sometimes a young mother must be taken; it is often best not to ask."

"And his father?" Gwen wondered.

Zolfina gazed out over the landscape rather than look at anyone present as she spoke.

"One night Marko's father was late returning home. Marko was put to bed, but he knew something was wrong. He snuck out of the house to find his father, to help him. He found him on the path leading through the village, down on his knees, fighting the pain. His father shoved him away; I know he did not mean to harm him! I know he was fighting himself, trying only to protect his son. That was the night Marko was scratched."

Gwen and Larissa both realized, Zolfina had been right. It is often best not to ask.

Zolfina reached into her bag and pulled out the urn, handing it to Larissa. "It is time, Granddaughter. Please, you must do this. My hands will shake."

Larissa lifted the urn and removed the top. She leaned out over the rail as far as she could and poured the ashes into the emptiness below. A strong gust of wind came up, pulling the ashes away from the cliff and lifting them high into the air where they formed a glittering stream heading toward the horizon.

The three women watched until the small cloud dissipated. The sanctity of the moment was marred only when Larissa snagged her hand on the metal railing. She pulled a clean handkerchief from her purse and used it to dab at the small wound as they turned to follow the path back to the highway.

"I guess I really don't have healing powers any more," Larissa said to the others. "And I suppose I don't have wolf-strength or stamina, either."

"Healing is part of the curse," Zolfina told them. "It ensures the curse cannot easily be ended through mortal wounds. However you never had any such wolf-strength as you suggest."

"Of course I did," objected Larissa. "I ran all night, chasing Marko through the forest. I never stopped or felt tired, not for a moment."

"That was not the curse," Zolfina replied. "That was the power all women possess, to protect those they love. You still possess this and will never lose it."

"Oh," said Larissa as a small smile slowly spread across her lips and lit her face.

The three women reached the highway, and Gwen opened the door to her grandfather's car. As they got seated she spoke to Larissa.

"I want you to know, you can stay with me as long as you need. Roddy and I don't have much but we're both happy to have you."

"No," replied Zolfina before Larissa could speak. "I never thought I would have a granddaughter, but now I do. Larissa has the gift, and there is much she must learn. She will stay with me, and I will teach her."

Larissa listened to Zolfina's words, then nodded to Gwen. Gwen pursed her lips and nodded in return. She put the car into gear and drove back to the gypsy camp.


A/N: That's it, the end! I can't believe it's over =_(

And once again I couldn't figure out any way to change the main character back. That's my fault, I take full responsibility  "^_^"

Also, what's with the photo for this chapter? Maybe Larry's next adventure?

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