1. Ew, People

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My alarm clock blarred, making me groan and roll over. Today was the first day back at school, and I wasn't feeling it.

I sat at the edge of my bed, slouching my back as I mentally cried. I was not mentally or physically prepared for today.

I death glared my alarm clock, and crept my finger over the snooze button. Last time I did that, I slept in the whole day. I got grounded for a month.

I slapped my sneaky finger away and started to get ready.

I put on a pair of sweats and a hoodie. I slipped on my black and white Adidas and grabbed my backpack.

I brushed my teeth, and poked my curly hair. What shall I do?

I left it out and big.

I shrugged and threw my hood over my head. I pulled the strings, making my hood swallow my head.
My face was still visable, sadly.

I didn't bother eating breakfast because I was already behind on time.

I caught myself running to my bus because it was starting to drive away, but then I thought about the consequences on if I didn't catch this bus. My mom would change the password to the wifi, and, Netflix. I groaned, knowing that I had to quicken the pace.

The bus driver stopped the bus, and opened the doors. I huffed as I climbed onto by the stairs.

"Assigned seats," he said, as he struggled to close the bus doors.

I pictured myself strangling the bus driver, but I put on a smile and kept it moving.

I had to sit alone since the person whom is assigned to sit with me doesn't ride the bus. And that I was perfectly fine with. I smiled to myself knowing that the others were miserable sitting with people who weren't their friends.
I accidentally fell asleep on the bus, drool dripping from my chin.

"isn't that the girl everyone calls drag," whispered a girl. I no didn't open my eyes because I wanted to hear more.

"I guess. Maybe she is funner this year," whispered a boy.

No beach still boring as ever.

I mentally replied. I do that a lot.
I wiped the drool and got up from my seat, I got in the line t get off of the bus.

I walked inside the school and my heart ow.

Its hurting. Too many idiots, ahh!

I laughed at myself as I grabbed my schedule I printed from our school website. It told my locker number which was the same from last year and then my schedule.

I looked at my classes. I didn't really have any friends that I wanted to be with so I was a okay in that department.

I went to my locker and put in my bookbag. I decided to go the library but Jules stopped me.

"Hey Drag, if you're up for a change this year come to my pool party," she said in a sweet tone but I knew she was being her normal. Aka, female dog.

"Nothing had changed, Jules," I said with a plain expression.

"Such a pretty face gone to waste to such a nobody. Too bad," she shrugged, still smiling as if she was complimenting me.

"I was thinking the same about you," I mocked her smiled as I walked past her.

I could feel people looking at me, but I just took that as a simple win.

"Harper!" shrieked the librarian Mrs. Raine. For some odd reason she loved me, maybe it is was because I was one of the few people who help her put away books and check them out.

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