6. Real Kisser

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I danced to the rhythmic music that played loudly throughout the house. I began to sing along,"How deep is your love?"

I went over to my speaker, and put my music on shuffle. Panic of the disco began to play, and I smiled. I swept the kitchen floor, and wiped the counter tops singing and dancing along.

"Maybe she isn't such a drag," chuckled Hansel. He was with Mya, who used her key to my house way too often.

"I need this." She said as she pushed past Hansel, taking the aux cord out of my phone.

"Buy your own then!" I grunted.

"I don't think I ever seen you in such, tight clothing," Hansel said as he bit his lip.

I rolled my eyes, and continued with Mya.

"Give it back Mya, or I will hurt your feelings," I spoke in a vicious tone. She has been really stressing me out lately. She has been such a bit-.

"Oh shut the hell up. You won't do shit," Mya said as she stepped a bit closer, poking me hard in the chest.

"Stop showing off for a guy that doesn't give a crap about you. It isn't cute, you're pathetic if you think he wants your clingy ass," I growled with anger, snatching my aux cord from her small hands.

Her eyes began to spill big droplets, she ran out before I can see more.


"Get out. You're leading her on and it's messed up." I said as I tried to push him out.

"Wait. Can I stay?"

"No." I replied back sharply.

"Please," he begged.

"Why?" I groaned in annoyance.

"We don't hangout anymore. We miss each other, remember?" He pouted.

"No, I'm mad at you and my cousin."

"I don't want to go home," he whispered.

"Then don't." I stated in a obvious tone.

"I wanna be with you,"

I froze and took a step back.

"I mean I want to hangout with you! Jesus fuck," he hissed.

"Okay geez, I'm sorry," I said as I put my hands up in a fake surrender.

"Fine, I'm out," he growled with anger, stomping out.

"Where are you going?" I say as I chase after him.

"Somewhere." He mumbled as he got into his car.

"Wow, really?" I rolled my eyes at him, waiting for a better response.

"Yes really, you obviously don't want me around you. So I'll leave."

"What is going on with you?! You are so emotional! Relax, and talk to me like a civilized person, Hansel!" I yelled.

"How about you stop being a bitch, and so will I!" He said as he got out of his car, and met with me face to face.

"Yeah this friendship is obviously not working, you're too much of an asshole." I said with narrow eyes.

"And you're just a drag, that doesn't know how to have fun, you just complain, and it honestly has been the worst befriending you." He retorted.

"I'm guessing you're acting like this because you got your test results back, but I'll leave you to be the miserable slut that you are," I said with a devilish grin.

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