3. Guess House

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I woke up to my phone buzzing repetitively. I groaned and clicked it on. The brightness blinded my eyes, making them water instantly.

It was just Facebook messages. Which I don't really get unless it's my cousin Mya.

They were all from Hansel, leading up to 10 o clock pm.

I scroll up, skimming most of the messages.






"I NEED U :("

I couldn't help but laugh at the several messages. I added him back on Facebook, and gave a simply reply.

"Hi," I typed back.

"I'm outside, please come out? :)," he texted back rapidly.

I replied with a k, and checked myself in my bathroom.

My hair was everywhere, I put it in an effortless bun, but still made it look cute. I smelled my under arms, and what is that God for sakes smell? I swiped some deodorant down, and sprits some of my favorite body mist.

I slipped on my bunny slippers, and put on my silk robe. I did a breath check.

Not like you guys are going to make out.


I did a spit take with some mouthwash anyways.



"Hey," I said softly.

"Hey," he said in a velvety voice.

Not that voice!

"Did you get your results?" I said breathlessly.

"Nah, not yet. Tomorrow though. I hope I don't have anything," he said covering his face.

I grabbed his wrist and drag them down, "I was joking about the gonorrhea thing."

"You were?" he asked, his voice filled with joy again.

"Uh, I no," I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Trying to make light of a dark situation?" Hansel suggested, chuckling darkly.

"Spend the night with me," I blurted what I was supposed to say in my head!

"What about your parents?"

"They don't bother me," I tried to smile, but instead it was just a tight line.

I already said it, can't go back now. My mom checks if I'm alive before she makes breakfast.

I mentally groaned and led him to my room.

"Where am I going to sleep?" he whispered.

Good going Harper.

"With me," I faked a chirp and climbed into bed. I pulled my robe off and threw it across the room.

"You never been so nice before." he smiled as he took off his vans.

He jumped on my bed, and snuggled behind me.

"Is this okay?" he asked as he began to spoon against me. Oh God, if my mom sees.

"Uh it's fine," I replied nervously. He wrapped his arms around my torso, and positioned his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you," Hansel spoke softly, his lips kissing my ear as he did.

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