9. Back to Hell

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The weekend was over, and it was Monday again. My black eye was still visible, but my busted lip gone away, but the cut in my lip was noticeable but it didn't bother me.

I boarded onto the bus, and sat down in one of the first seats. I plugged my head phones in, and put my music on shuffle.
I got my things out of my locker, ignoring the whispers. I was the talk of the day.

My story was on the news about me getting kidnapped. My mom thought it was a good idea. There was even an interview involved, my mom tearing up once in a while. She thought the interview gave good 'awareness'. She recommend the link up system in the interview. Now I'm totally going to get bashed.

"Is your mom serious!" Jules groaned as she pushed me into a locker.

"Wow, I thought you'd be a little nicer. Maybe not," I replied with narrow eyes.

"I can't leave my house without my big brother who is massive dork! This is all your damn fault." Jules hissed as she jammed her finger into my chest.


"Don't touch me Jules." I warned her as I tried to walk away.

"Or what? You're going to try to fight me again?" She asked in a baby voice looking down upon me.

Whilst I was average height, she stood at a heaping 5'10, that's without stilettos.

"Whatever Jules. I don't want to fight you," I murmured as I nudged by her.

"You almost made me fall, dumb ass!" screamed Jules.

I stuck up my middle finger as I walked backward, making sure she seen me smile. I turned around and started to walk to my first class.
So many people have came up to me today, asking if I was okay, and what happened. As if they cared. Pshh...

I grabbed my lunch from my locker and walked to the library.
"Hey!" Yelled a familiar voice. It was Javen. He had books stack high on the cart he was rolling down the hall.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously.

"Helping out the substitute for Mrs. Raine, giving some books to the main office."

"Oh, neat." I say as I start to walk the opposite direction of him.

"Wait, you wanna come with me?" he asked excitedly.

"Maybe next time," I murmured, I pulled my lips into a tight line and continued walking. I just wanted to be alone, and eat my sandwich.
"How was school?" Maya asked. She didn't go today since she was sick.

"Why do you care?" I grunt.

"Are we still arguing?" She sighed.

I took a deep breath and shrugged it off. I was clearly being a bitch to her, over something that happened that we both don't even think about. So why continue it?

"I'm sorry Maya," I say as I engulf her in a hug. I hug her tightly and so does she.

"Look at what we become! Sappy bitches! I blame it in you!" Maya laughed as she walked to fridge.

"Yeah, totally not my style." I chuckle.

"But really, how was school?"

"People kept asking questions, asking if I was okay." I shrugged.

"What did you say?" She asked as she opened a water, outing it to her lips.

"You know I don't respond to idiots. I kept it moving," I say blankly.

It took her a moment to respond, she swallowed the water and finally spoke.

"What about Hans-"

"He texted me the other day," I cut her off.

"Oh... Saying what?"

"Here," I say as I give her my phone, letting her read the text herself.

She picked up the phone, and I watched as she moved her thumbs.

"What are you doing?!" I yell.

"Telling him what you're thinking!" She yells back as she runs for the bathroom.

"Maya!" I groaned as she locked herself in the bathroom.

I banged on the door, and waited for her to open it.

"Maya don't text him anything back! I don't want him to think it's okay!"

"You're in love with him and you know it!" She teased.

"No I'm not! I have a boyfriend!" I lied.

The door immediately opened to a grinning Maya.

"Who?" She smiled even bigger.

"Javen." I say triumphantly.

"Javen Walkers?" She asks with a frown.

"What? Whats wrong with Javen?"

"He is the guy that fought Hansel. That's gonna cause problems," she explains as she hands my phone back.

"How? Hansel and I aren't friends so why would it matter?" I say as I stuffed my phone in my pocket.

She narrowed her eyes and then shrugged. She walked back into the kitchen into the fridge.

Instead of continuing the conversation, I decided to just go upstairs.
This is honestly the shortest chapter I've ever made. Ha. But I felt this chapter needed to end, I'm going to start writing 10 rn. Xoxo, sela.

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