The New Kid

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Max's Pov:

"It's monday this is going to be a great day", today is the first day of school so I was excited. Where's my manors go my name is Max I'm a 16 year teenage boy. I have brown hair I'm not a huge nerd, but I do love going to school to learn and hang with my peeps. I love to listen to music and sing. i reallydont think I have a good voice, but all my friends say it is amazing, I guess they are deaf or something. What else...oh I'm also gay so yeah haters back off, "I love Miranda Sings she so funny" ,I said to myself. "Ok I packed my back pack so that's done, but what am I forgetting. Oh yeah Oh yeah my drawing booK." I searched high and low but I could not find it, it just got to be somewhere. "Honey you need to get up here and eat your breakfast",my mom said from the kitchen. I have an awesome mom, she she already knows I'm gay and she love me for just being me. Her and I are the only one that live here my dad was shot will he was on duty as a police officer so my mom had to be super women to take care of me, and she was good at it. The only thing that bugs me is when I talk about a boy she squeaks like a little girl, and what I call "fan-girling" over me. My mom was up to date with all of today's slang like yesterday she saw me watch Naruto and said, "I totally ship Sasuke and Naruto, they would make an adorable couple #NarutoandSasuke", what have I done to my mom.

"Ok mom, hey mom have you seen my drawing book I can't find it anywhere", I said yelling up the stairs, yeah I live in the basement so I could have more alone time to my self. When I opened the basement door she said that she saw it on the coffee table in the living room. I went to the living room and saw my drawing book. "Oh thank god it's here hopefully no one opened it", I said to myself. "Max the bus will be here any second please eat your eggs and bacon", my mom said. "Ok ok I will" I said sitting down eating my delicious breakfast.
The bus arrived at my house so I told me mom bye and she gave me lunch money because she didn't have time to make a sandwich. I run to the bus and took out my phone and head phone and began to listen to Kidnap the Santy Claus-by Korn I really like there kind of style I really love emo music and some types of rock and pop.

\ half an hour later/

"Ok can anyone tell me how many neutrons are in the element oxygen", said Mr. Teach, his real name is Mr. Fay, but I call him Mr. Teach. Mr. Teach wouldn't let me answer any questions because he wanted someone else to get a chance. "Really guys theirs eight neutrons."

Right when the class was about to be over the teacher opens the door and someone new comes in someone I haven't seen at our school before. "Ok everyone this is Jay he is new to our school he missed today's class because his mom had an emergency today but he will be joining us tomorrow, but for the next few days I will need one of you to assist him to his other classes so....Max can you please do that."

"Yes sir, Mr. Teach", I said with a blush growing on my face. He was so cute and and handsome the best thing he was like this emo kid, he hadblack eyeliner makeup round his eyes and he was wearing dark clothes with a band on it, his was pale and he drew on his hand saying "emo." I can't wait to get to know him.

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