We'll Be Late.

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Hey guys I know it's been awhile with school and the mental institute so yeah but I'm back. Before I do anything else I wanted to dedicate this chapter for my new friend he is going through some stuff time. He lost his sister and it is making him very depressed and he says he just may go back to cutting his wrist, so I want to dedicate this chapter to him. He doesn't want me to give out his name so his name in the story will be...Dave. So with that lets get to the story......

Jay's Prob:

I woke up to a small figure pushing me back and forth, back and forth yelling, "wake up, bakka wake up we're going to be late." I then realised I had school which I didn't care, but if I didn't get up I wouldn't be able to hang out with Max. So I jumped out of bed, get clothed, and meet Max up stairs with breakfast.

Max's Prov:

'He sits down eating his waffles. Syrup dripping down his mouth, he licks his lips like he likes the cuuuuu......' Oh God where am I going with this. Jay and I finish breakfast and we leave the house on our way to school.

30 minutes passed......

We enter the school and the first thing I see is my friend Dave. I wave to Dave but he didn't notice. I could see his eyes were puffy and red, as though he has been crying for hours. "Dave why you crying", I said calmly walking forwards him.

"M-my..sister is..dead", Dave said stuttering his words. I gasped and ran to Dave and have him a great big hug. Even though Dave was straight he didn't mind getting hugs from anyone he was a softy. "I'm so sorry Dave I really am" I said to Dave comforting him. "Do you know when there having the funeral."

Dave looked up at me and said, "yeah they plan on it being next week and they want me to say something. I have something but I'm afraid that's it won't be good enough."

"Let me here it" I said, "and I'll see how it is." Me and Jay got to school early so we had time to listen.

5 minutes passed........

By the end of Dave speech thing I was sobbing and drown in my tears, girls crying into there boysfriend and fruends, and Jay was trying to hold in his tears in and be the tuff guy. He saw me cry and grabbed a hold of me and started to comfort me rubbing my hair, fiddling with it. I didn't mind it actually made me feel better.

Everyone in the school went up to Dave and hug him, said that he will be in their prayers and shit, and that they could be there when he needs it. This gave Dave the strength he needed and he was at least back to a smile. I let go of Jay and went back to hug Dave. "That's was great Dave you'll be great and I'm very very sorry that your sister has passed away." "It's ok it's not like it was your fault just part of life but getting out all this emotion made it a lot better", Dave said.

Me, Dave and Jay talked for a little bit until we had to go to class. Dave went to British Lit. while Jay and I went to Mathematics. The thought of Dave sister dead still lingers within my head.

Sorry for this being to short I didn't want to give to much away of my friend. See you next time and please have a person and loving bond with your friend and family because you never know if they will just leave.....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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