Eye Opener

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Y'all love the music. Its one of my favorites "Psycho" by Muse.

Max's prov:

Jay and I were walking to my house talking about his first day. He was actually having a great day. "Today was fun an exciting and I did have some weird experiences, but they are all good." "What was so weird about today", I said with a questionable look on my face. "Well some guy was staring at me angrily, like I did something to him."

"Who was it, maybe I know him", I replied. "He had red hair, wore a shirt that said 'I don't give a rat's ass', and he had a Jersey thing on", when Jay was done describing the perso, I knew right away who it was. "Wait. Rick Donaldson was staring at you", I said with a concerned tone in my voice.

"Who the he'll is Rick Donaldson, and why do you sound scared", May said with a pondering look on his face. "He's the bully and the dick of the school no one messses with him, he almost got arrested for putting a bit in a comma but didn't because his father is one of the best lawyers in the state. Stay out of his way and don't piss him off", said warning him of what might come. "Oh ok I'll try to keep my distance", he said turning back to the street.

"We are here", I said with a cherry disposition. My house was a two story house with a basement. It was a dark navy blue house with a rose garden in the front that's were also surrounded by tulips. "Wow your house is really....big", Jay said astound of its size. "Are you coming or are you just going to admire the house" I said. "I'm coming I don't want to loose this pale skin I have." I looked at him skin and it looked so soft and it made me think of holding him and hugging him for eternity.

Jay's prov:

I liked at Max and he was staring at me. I caught a glimpse of his beautiful green eyes. They looked like an enchanted forest that you could wander into and never escape it's beauty. "Come in Jay the sun will burn your skin up." The thought of my skin being ran woke me up from his enchanting eyes and I dashed into his home.

His house was even more beautiful inside there were painting everywhere, a fireplace, and Why looked like a sculpture of a said ballerina. I love art it's a thing of beauty. "Hey you want to head up to my room I have an Xbox 360 we can play", Max said with a joyful attitude. "Yeah let's go play." I guess he sleeps down stairs because that's where we were heading and when I saw his room it was not what I exspected. He had emo band and stuff all over his walls and his room was dark and gloomey. "Wow are you a nerd or an emo really I can't tell", I said still looking at the posted as in his room.

"I'm a nerd but I really like emo bands and heavy metal music. I just find it soothing to listen to". That's the first I heard soothing with heavy metal in the same sentence.
~~~~~~a couple of hours pasted~~~~~

"It's getting dark I think I should get home", at that very moment I get a text. It was from my mom

Mom: Hey I will be working late so I won't be home tonight.

Me: Ok hey mom is it ok that I spend the night a my friend Mac's house.

Mom:Oh you have a friend whose a boy ;-) ......

My mom knew I was gay and she was always teasing me about it.

Me: Yes mom and don't get any ideas we are just friends...so can I spend the night

Mom: Sure just be safe.. ;-)

Me:Wait what?

Mom: You know use protection.


Mom: I'm just messing with yeah XD

Me: Ok I'm going to go now.

Mom: Yeah you do....


I then ended the conversation their. Mom is really nosey and weird most of the times but she's my mom and I love her for that. "Hey actually can I spend the night my mom won't be home and I don't really like being by myself", I asked waiting for a response.

Max's prov:

"Sure just let me ask my mom." I run up stairs to ask my mom and she said I could but she kept giving me winks for some reason. I do t know she a dork sometimes. I run back downs stairs to tell him. "Ok you can stay and you can either sleep on the bed or the floor." Without missing a beat he said, "Bed" and I laughed a little. "Ok ill sent a pallet for me to sleep o-", before I could even finish he spoke up. "We could both just sleep on the bed and make a boundary line with pillows." I began to blush of the thought that I would be sleeping next to him. "Alright well do you want to watch some naruto while we fall asleep." "Sure", Jays said and yawned. We both got into my bed and made a pillow wall between us and watched naruto. Just a couple of minutes in the show we both pasted out.

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