Reunited and feels so good

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Few Days Later

I watch Colson from the side stage as he is jumping and flipping around. I soon learned that he is diffidently a Wild Boy. I love how he connects with his crowd and he tries getting personal with everyone of them. After he finishes his set he comes right to me and picks me up.

"Colson, your gross! Put me down!" He sets me down

"Why you trippin, mofucka?"

"Sorry, Just been stress. I miss home and Hannah."

"We're picking her up like tomorrow, chill."

"I know. Just I didn't know being on tour was so exhausting." 

"Well, we are going to my hometown tomorrow. I will show you a good time." He smiles at me.

"Okay, Wild Boy. Let's go back to the bus." Tries kissing me and I start running away from him laughing.

"You got to catch me." 

"Oh, hell naw." He starts bolting after me, I just duck and dive around everyone and everything. I see Slim talking to some fans and I jump behind him and keep peeking out

"Nikki, da fuck you doing?"

"Shhh. I'm hiding from Colson" I keep giggling. I try and contain my laugher. As soon as I see Colson coming towards Slim, I start off again

"Awhh, you sneaky mofuka." He keeps following me. As I run, I hit something causing me to fall over and hit the ground hard. All I could do is keep laughing. I see Colson run to me.

"Nikki, are you okay?" I was laughing so hard that I couldn't even answer him only nod my head.

"Nikki, your bleeding." He touches my head and shows me his fingers they were bloody.

"Oh shit." I just keep laughing.

"Okay, I'm going to help ya up. We gotta get ya to hospital." He had a kinda panicked look on his face.

"Fuck the hospital. I don't need that. You caught me, you can have that kiss now." Then everything goes back. 

I hear voices and open my eyes. I see Colson and Slim sitting in the corner. 

"Colson, my head hurts like a bitch." He looks at me and I smile. He walks over to me.

"You fucked up your head pretty bad"

"What did I trip over?"

"Yourself. Thats what makes it funny." He laughs at me.

"Can we leave now?" I start getting up. 

"Woahh, you should take it easy. You got like a grade 3 concussion." He grabs me and slow helps me up.

"Where this doctor at? We got shit to do" The doctor came through the door.

"Miss Rylie? Are you up to going home"

"Yes, please get me the fuck out of here."

"Okay, just sing here and your free." I grab the paper and sign.

The Next Day

"Ahhh, home at last!" I see Colson's smile as we enter Cleveland.  I look down at my phone.

"We are going to have to go the airport and pick up Hannah soon." 

"I got that covered. My girl Ash is already on her way."

"Oh...My head still hurts" I rub it

"You did fuck yourself up pretty bad last night, mofuka" He laughs

"Lock it up, Asshole." I pout at him,

"Oh, you know I'm only kidding."


Soon we arrive at a house. Colson and I grab our bags and head inside. He leads me to his room. When I walk in I can tell it's a stoner room. I put my stuff down and hop on the bed. I snuggle myself up and end up falling asleep before Colson gets back. I feel hands start creepin on my body. I grone and slow open my eyes. I look up and see Hannah on top of me. I spring up and scream

"HANNAH!!!!" I hug her tightly.

"I missed you too, NIkki." 

"How are you?"

"In the States aren't I?" We laugh.

"I'm so glad your here! How is our house?"

"Everything is fine. I'm just glad we are reunited. So you and that Colson guy, whats up between you guys?" I lay back on the bed pulling her with me.

"I don't know, I mean of course I like him. No actually I have fallen for him."

"Have you guys did it yet?" I smile

"No. We almost did on the bus but I stopped him."

"Oh come on! He is sexy."

"I know. I wanted to but you know the thing we I can't."

"Yeah. I think his friend Slim is pretty fucking cute."

"You and your dark chocolate."

 "Shut it." We both laugh. 

We both turn our head when the door opens up. Colson pops his head around.

"You girls done catching up?"

"Yes." I look at him. 

"Colson, can I talk to you?" I turn my head at Hannah and gave her a confused look

"Ugh, sure?" She takes him outside the door so I can't hear them.

Hannah's POV

"Okay, I don't know how much she has told you but you better not hurt her or I'll break your face." I push him

"Okay. Wait, told me what?"

"She didn't tell you why she went to Canada?"

"Ughh, No." I pull him close and whisper in his ear so Nikki can't hear me

"Okay, when she was still in Wisconsin she got pregnant. She was so scared she ran away. I brought her to Canada to get abortion. When she got here, she told me she changed her mind but didn't want to go back home. She asked me to stay here. After she had the baby she gave it to my neighbors and we moved out."

"Shit, foreal?"

"Yes. Not the worse part. Her ex boyfriend found out she was pregnant he told her he would kill her if she ran off. He followed almost all the way to Canada but he got pulled over so he has no idea where she is. Why do you think she changed her name?"



I hope you guys enjoyed

xoxo ana 

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