Let's go slow

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Colson's POV

I lay wake staring at the celing as Nikki tosses next to me. Her long blonde hair covers my arm. I think about all the new found information about her. I guess it would explain why she is so protected and closed off. She doesn't want to get hurt again. I hear her groan as she turns. 

"No, please. I'm telling the truth.." I look down as she grumbles the words out. She must be have some pretty wicked dreams. I roll over and put my arms around her as soon as my arm sits on her hip she spins around and punches me straight in the nose. I spring up and grab my nose as it bleed, I rush to the  other side of the room and turn on the light. I look at Nikki.

"Oh my god, Colson are you okay? I'm so sorry!' She rushes to my side. 

"Yeah. I'm fine." I look at my blood filled hands.

"Plug your nose and lean forward not back." She hands me a towel and tries to tend to my possibly broken nose. 

"Damn, babe, you can really throw a punch." I try to laugh, she smiles and shakes her head

"I'm sorry. I'm still not used to someone sleeping next to me." She moves the towel. I laugh

"Looks like I got the bleeding to stop. I'm gonna run downstairs and get you some ice or something to put on it." She starts walking away from me I grab her and spin me around.

"I think you should just stay up here." I smile at her

"Kinda hard to put your mac on when your face is covered in blood." She winks and heads out the door. I look at myself in the mirror as I look at the clothes my eye is caught by a sliver notebook in Nikki's stuff. I pick it up and start flipping threw the pages. I stop at one. I read each line. Wow she is super talented

"What are you doing?" I whip around as Nikki stands in the doorway of my room holding a bag of vegetables.

"Ughh, nothing." I throw the notebook down. She sits on the bed and look at me.

"I wanted nothing more a few months ago was to get a mixtape made and to start my career but now I don't know what I want."

"I can help you get started." I join her and put my arm around her.

"I don't know if that would make me happy."

"Why? You talented."

"I have only know you for a month and half and I have fall head over heels for you." I look at her. My heart starts to beat hard and my stomach flutters.


"Stupid. Isn't it?"


"I think it's time for me to go back home." 

"I don't want you to leave."

"I think I need to. I think it's time for me to tell you."

"What?" I look down at her

"I have a modeling job back in Canada. I didn't tell you I was model because I thought that would change your opinion of me."

"Why? That wouldn't change anything."

"How many rappers do you know that model also?' I laugh

"Not many. But I think have some feelings for you also." She kisses me being carful of my nose.

"So, what do you want to do about that?" She smiles

"Maybe take that farther." I kiss her as we fall back on the bed. We are lost in our touches and kisses then she stops.

"We can't do this. Not now."  I look at her confused


"This isn't right. We hardly know eachother."

"Well let's get to know eachother better." 

"There so much."

"We have time" I smile as kiss her. 

For the rest of the night we talk about everything. I tell her about my addiction and my family she tells me about her past with the baby and everything. As the sun rises, she falls asleep in my arms. I soon drift off. But woken by pounding on my door.

"Aye, get up we got a show to do today!" 

I look down at Nikki and she her eyes looking up at me

"Your nose looks pretty fucked up."

"Thanks to you." I lean down and kiss her.

"Let's go slow."


That last line is every important!

The next chapter with spring ahead a few years then the one after that will be back in the past like the rest of the story!I I hope you enjoyed

xoxo Ana


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