Secrets Come Out pt.2

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Colson just hold her and smiles at her. It makes me happy seeing her in his arms. 

"How far long where you when you left?" He looks at me.

"About 7 weeks. I didn't officially find out until I was 12."

"If I come back into her life, can her last name be Baker?' He looks at me with his blue eyes that match hers.

"It already is." I smile at him. He kisses me.

"Really? You don't know how happy that makes me. Did Rakim met her?" He stares at her with concern and then I remember my face looks like I had been in a fight with Mike Tyson.

"He knew about her but he never met her."

"I'm happy. So tell me in detail what happened after you left?"

"Well, after I found out I was pregnant. I wasn't really showing so I was still modeling then I go this amazing job, which really boosted my career then I met TIP at a party and I was signed to GRAND HUSTLE when I was around 4 months. You don't know how hard it was to make decisions. When I first found out....I thought about an abortion but then I remembered how still in love I was with you and I couldn't. I tried contacting you but you wouldn't answer. Talked to Ash but I never told her I was pregnant. So when I was in the delivery room having her I remember when they put her on my chest and she looked so much like you. I cried so hard. When I was naming her I choose your last name for the fact of how much she reminded me of you and the fact she shares the same birthday with you." I smile at her as she looks at her daddy.

"If I would've known, I would've helped you with anything. You know that right?"

"You don't know how hard, it was Colson. I had a modeling career and had just got signed to GRAND HUSTLE and  was moving to Atlanta." 

"You don't know how many god damn days I had thought about you. Every girl I was with, I saw you. Every night I performed that damn song I thought of you. You were the background on my phone for the longest time after you left." 

"Why didn't you answer then?" He hands Phoebe to me and sits in front of me on the bed.

"It hurt too bad to her your voice." I almost start cry as thoughts words left his mouth.

"I'm sorry." 

"No baby, don't be. I shoud be the one that is sorry. I wasn't there for you. I should've. Just know now that I'm still not perfect but I will never hurt you or her. Just like the song says "Don't give up on me, baby." I smile at him. I hear a knock at the door and Colson answers. I see Hannah in shock as she sees me holding Phoebe.

"You told him?" She sits in a chair in the corner of the room.

"Yes. And he and I are kinda back together." Hannah's mouth drops.

"I shouldn't of left you guys alone."

"Why can't you be happy for us. Phoebe is his daughter. She has his last name, I mean I think he desevers to met her." 

"I suppose." She rolls her eyes, I think mostly since she hasn't been very fond of Colson since the break up.

"So, I'm going to call the boys up and tell them this." I put my hand on his shoulder before he calls them.

"Please keep this a secret for her sake. She needs a normal life."  

"Let me tell them, and I wouldn't tell anyone else." I kiss him and lay back in bed with the baby. Colson gets on the phone with them. We all hear loud knocks on the door which scares Phoebe and causes her to fuss. I look at Colson and he opens the door. I slowly see the boy peep around the corner and look at the little bundle in my arms. Their mouths drops and just stare at me. I hold her up so they can see her and smile.

"This is Phoebe Reanne Baker." Colson takes her from me and shows her to the boys better.

"Holy shit, dude." Dubo looks at Slim while he is holding her.

"I know, nigga. She looks like me doesn't she." He smiles as he looks at her.

"How?" Slim asks

"Well when a mom and a dad love eachother very much." I laugh and he just glares at me.

"No seriously."

"I just did." Colson grabs Phoebe and bring her back to the bed.

"You can't tell anyone outside the family. No one." I scowled at them.

"Why? This is amazing." Dubo says.

"Because she desevers the normal life I, I mean we have planned for her." I see Colson smile at the we part.

"So ya'll back together or what?" Slim and Dubo ask at the same time.

"I mean sorta not really. I don't know. I just found out I had another daughter." He laughs. After everyone leaves. I set up Phoebe's crib and place her in it for a nap awhile Colson and I talk about what we are going to do.

"I mean so much that I have planned just changed." He laughs.

"You can still live your life. Keep it the way it was don't let her stop you." He grabs me and stares me straight in my eyes.

"No. She is in my life now, and I can't change that I need to man up. It isn't far to you and her if I don't." 

"We are going back to Atlanta tomorrow."

"Come back to Cleveland with me."

"Colson, I can't just leave Atlanta. I have my record label and all of our things there."

"Please come back to Cleveland with me."

"We need to work on us before I can come back to Cleveland. I need to get stuff sorted with TIP and my modeling contracts." He looks at me sadly.

"I just want to have you and her with me as a family." I smile at what he tell me.

"And I think Casie really misses you and is going to be excited when I tell her she is a big sister." He bits his lip then kisses me.

"Okay. I'll try." I smile at him.

"I want you to listen to a song." I look at him as he pulls his phone out.

"One part is about you." He starts playing the song and when it get to his part, I almost cry. I shows how bad he missed me and loves me.

"What you think, babe?" He smiles.

"Is that really about me?" He nods his head.

"You know the whole time you were gone I just wanted to call you up and tell you to come home but I knew I couldn't."

"I wanted to come home but with being pregnant and moving and all the things going on it was hard. She was my number one responsibility." I look at the crib next to the bed.

"I can't believe she is already 7 months." He look at her as she sleeps.

"I know. She grows everyday and makes me sad, it feels like yesterday I went into labor with her."

"She is going to be tall." He laughs which make me laugh

"Well, I'm 5'9 and your 6'3 I hope she is tall." I start hearing her fuse and I pick her up from her crib.

"There, there Phoebe no need to cry." I kiss her.

"I like our family." I look at Colson

"Me too."

"I wish I could've been there with you when you had her."

"I almost called you but it happened so face. I went in to labor the night before your birthday around 11 and had her by 7 on your birthday. I found it kinda funny. I remember sitting there thinking of names and I look at her face and eyes and saw you, so when they asked for her last name, I told him Baker." He smiles and I gave her to him.

"Thank you."


Baby is staying since thats what the majority wanted! I hope you guys aren't to mad! Sorry it isn't as long as I wanted it to be I've been super busy.

Xoxo Ana

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