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*2 weeks later*

"Colson!" I scream from the bedroom. About 3 seconds I scream, I hear Colson rush up the stairs and fly into the bedroom

"What's wrong, baby!" He looks around the room and looks at me standing on top of our bed.

"I just saw a mouse!"

"Really? Baby, they are more scared of you than you are of them." He laughs at me and helps me off the bed.

"I don't care still hate them."

"When you screamed, it scared the shit out of me." He kisses my forehead.

"I'm sorry." I kiss his lips.

"So, I'm spending the day in the stuido, what are you going to do?"

"Maybe, head around town. Could I use the car?" I smile and bat my blue eyes at him and he sighs.

"I guess so." He smiles and kisses me.

*2 hours later*

"Are you serious! That's great!" I tell the man on the phone as I sit in the car outside of Starbucks. After I hang up the phone I keep smiling. I can't believe it! A modeling job in Cleveland! Colson is going to be excited. As I drive home, I think about how my life could get more perfect. I have an amazing boyfriend and I just got an amazing job. When I get home, I head to rhe studio where I find Colson sitting. I slow walk up to him,spin his chair around and sit on his lap

"Why if this is the way you great me all the time. I might just stay in the studio longer." He smiles at me.

"Baby, I have great news! I got a modeling job here in Cleveland!" I kiss him.

"That's great, baby. I have way we can celebrate!" He lifts me up and over his shoulder and races up the stairs.

"Colson! Put me down!" I say in a shaky voice as he run into the kitchen. As we hit the stairs to the second floor, we are stopped by Slim.

"Woah, mofukkas! Keep that shit in the bedroom!" He starts laughing.

"Slim! Tell him to put me down." I kick my legs around.

"Now baby, calm down. Can't you see I'm having a conversion with this young gentleman!" I can tell by the way his voice he is smiling.

"Well, I don't want to interrupt anything so Imma head to the studio. You guys be good now." As Colson rans up the next flight of stairs I shout at Slim.

"I thought we were friends!" As we hit the bedroom, Colson throws me on the bed and you can guess what happened. When we finish, Colson and I lay in bed together. He wraps his arms and presses his bare chest on my back.

"Baby, I'm so glad we met." He kisses my back.

"Me too." I smile.

"Marry me" My mouth drops and I roll around to face him.


"Marry me" my heart completely stops as he says it a second time.

"You are the "Wild Boy", the guy that says fuck love and the world. You love to have sex and watch porn. You smoke more weed than anyone I know and we have only know eachother 4 months..." I stop as I see the hurt in his eyes.

"Oh" He looks away from me.

"Oh shit, babe, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." I try to touch him but he moves away.

"It's okay, you are right." He slowly gets out of bed, grabs his boxers and slips out of bed. I slide up to look at him holding the blanket to cover myself.

"Colson..." He throws on the rest of his clothes and slow walks to the door.

"I love you." He doesn't say a word as he slams the door. I lay back in bed and think about what I just said. I'm so stupid. I really hurt him with the things I said. I slide back down in bed and slowly fall asleep. When I wake up, it is dark out and Colson is in bed facing away from me. He has never done that. I look at the clock and see it is 1:30. I slowly crawl out of bed,change and head downstairs for a snack. Once down stairs, I head straight for the fridge. I pick out somethings to make a salad. I turn around and get startled seeing Slim sitting at the island.

"I didn't mean to scare you." He looks at me.

"It's okay." I place everything and start making my salad.

"He is lonely. He always has been since he swore of dating and relationship. Thay was until he met you." I look at him.

"He told you about ealier, didn't he."

"Of course. I'm his best friend. Like how Hannah is to you."

"What do you mean until he met me."

"Well, I dont know how much of his past he has told you but he has been hurt by women a lot. First his mom then the girl he lost his virginity to and so on."

"I feel so bad about what I said."

"I know, he kind of sprung that on you but I don't think he was playing when he told you that."

After Slim and I talked some more, I head upstairs and see Colson laying wake in bed. I stand in the door way of the room.



Hey guys, just thought this could use an update. I just wrote this chapter on my galaxy s2 using the wattpad so sorry if it is short, I can't tell on my phone.

Xoxo Ana

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