I thought you would be in it

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1 and half years later

"Used to be happy, but now shit's unpredictable. I smiled at the show but there were tears in the limo thought. You fucked her on my birthday and that's what really hurt the most. You tell the truth..half way guess that why this is unfixable but still..I rather go slo."

"When I call sometimes I wish you up but most days the call is declined. It's okay I don't give a fuck. You outta sight, so you outta mind. I'm doing alright know I'm be fine. I gotta few candidates standing in line. Broke up before but I was never like this. Not many regrets I wish I could rewind..."

I finish the song and head out of the studio. 

"Shit, that was amazing. That song is going to be a hit." T.I looks at me.

"Thanks" I hug him

"So, who is this about?"

"Someone I thought would still be in my life now." 

"Ahh, lost love. Anyway just found out Work is burning up the charts and i just got notification for XXL they want you to be in there freshman class this year!" I feel my mouth hit the floor

"First being named the new face of Levi Jeans and now I'm going to be in the freshman class! I honestly don't know how my life could get any better! Thank you, Tip for everything." I hug him again

"I knew you would make it. I doubt you would've of gotten this big signed under Interscope." He laughs

"Do you know who else is in it?"

"Ugh, Macklemore, French Montana, Don't trip, Machine Gun Kelly" My heart stops at the sound of his name.

"Machine Gun Kelly?" 

"Yeah, why whats up?"

"Oh it's nothing."


"Am I going to have to see him?"

"Well you got to take the cover picture and we have to go there for you interview. Why?"

"Oh, just...It's nothing...." I sit down the couch and look at my hands.

"You sure?" Tip sits next to me. 

"Just Colson...I mean Machine Gun Kelly have some history."

"Ahh, I just leave it at that."

"You mind if I go home for the night?" I look at tip

"Naw, go ahead."

"Thanks." I pack up my stuff and head out to the parking lot. I hop in my car and drive to my aparment  that I share with Hannah on the outskirts of Atlanta. The whole car ride home I can't stop thinking about Colson. My heart flutters and the tears roll down. I hate him. 

Once I get home I run upstairs and head straight to my bedroom. I lock the door and head to my closet. I dig threw boxes until I find a small envelope with the word "Burn" on it. I open it up and look at  all the pictures of Colson and I. I start to cry and I throw them at the wall. When I turn around there stood Hannah with a shocked look on her face.

"Ugh, you okay?"


"Okay, stop looking at those and come tell me whats wrong." I grab her hand and follow her to the living room.

"Okay, girl, what's wrong?"

"I recorded Slo today and once I was done Tip told me that I was going to be part of the XXL Freshman Class which is amazing I was all excited until he told me who else is in it."

"Okay? Who is it?"

"Colson....." I start to cry again

"Sweets, don't cry." She hugs me.

"I don't know if I could see him again."

 "I know. Just breathe."

As I cry on Hannah's shoulder I think about how much I miss him but hate him at the same time.

Colson's POV

"DUDE CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! YOU'RE GONNA BE ON THE COVER OF XXL!" Dubo jumps up and down as I finished reading the message from Diddy.

"Yeah, damn dude I can't believe it." I continue to read the email and stop dead when I see her name.

"Whats wrong, nigga?" I keep staring at her name

"Nikki, is on this list."


"Nikki is also part of the Freshman Class."


"Yeah, mofucka." I sit down on the couch and put down my laptop. As I look at her name a whole rush of emotion comes back. 

"Fuck it, nigga. Let's go celebrate." Dubo looks at me

"Yeah. Maybe that will get my mind off it."

Later that night

As I lay in bed, still drunk with another girl next to me. All I could think about was Nikki. I wanted was to forget but I couldn't. I look at my phone and see a number pop up. Its hers. I get up slowly and as quietly as I could to answer it. Once outside on the pouch, I answer.


"Hey..." I sound of her voice sends chills up my spine.

"How are you?"

"Alright..I guess. Congratz on making the freshman class." I try to not act excited about hearing in her voice.

"Thanks. You too."

"So..." I tried to break the tension.

"I heard you song Work a few days ago. I remember when you wrote that. That was the first ryhme you ever spit for me..." I hear her start sobbing into the phone

"Yeah. I remember that. I heard that song Skate Cans you did. It was good."

"Thanks. How is Grand Hustle treating you?"

"Pretty good. TIp is amazing. I just finshed a song today."

"Oh. I can't wait to hear it." I think about the night I killed our relationship.

"Thanks. Well I think I'm going to go I have a shoot tomorrow."

"Wait, Nikki...I'm sorry." I hold my breathe.

"About what?"

"That night."

"It's okay. I mean if that didn't happen. I don't think I would be here."

"Yeah. Well goodnight..i lov....bye." I hit my head after almost saying I love you

"Night." I hear the phone click. I get so enraged that I throw my phone against the wall of the house. I walk upstairs and look at the girl in my bed. I slow wake her up and tell her she needs to leave. After she left. I look at my phone at the pictures I didn't delete of Nikki and I. We we're so happy. I can't believe I fucked that up. I look up her song Work and listen to it on repeat until I fall asleep . She is the only thing on my mind.

Nikki's POV

I stare at my phone after our phone call. I can't believe he answered. As I lay in bed and sob. He is all I can think about. I turn on his song Been Through It All and slowly fall asleep to the sound of his voice.....


Ooooo. This is kinda a bonus chapter. I hope you guys like it. We're going back in time with the next chapter 


xoxo Ana


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