Chapter 1 Republicans vs. Democrats

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America's first true lie is democracy. America is not a democracy. America is an oligarchy, which means political power rest in the hands of a small group of people. In this case this group of people are called "The Elites". This is a group of the wealthiest Americans who pay to serve their own interest at the expense of everyone else. Republicans and Democrats both serve the elites, not the people. Actually, it's almost impossible to be elected President, or even elected to congress, without the help of the wealthy elites. We are given the illusion of a choice between two candidates, who in fact are quite the same. We are taught to believe that there are only two ideologies to governing a nation. After all, most other countries have many more than just two political parties. So why does America only have two? Ah, because the true purpose of these political parties is to provide an illusion of choice. The more political parties a country has, the less control the establishment has. For newcomers, the establishment is the name given to the people who control the government. The mainstream news, the U.S presidents, and most members of congress are all apart of the establishment. The mainstream news is the driving force of propaganda. First you must understand that the news on television is always based on lies. The first step to understanding the truth is to stop believing what you see on TV. You see, it's all a game for your votes. It's about who can lie to convince the most people to vote for them, ensuring that they stay in power. Republicans tend to advocate for low taxes, traditional values, smaller government, and a large military. This appeals to the majority of white voters who have been taught that minorities and welfare are the reason America is facing so many problems. Democrats push for a more progressive agenda, fighting for higher taxes, larger government, equality, and social programs to "help" the poor. This appeals to more lower class families, single parents, racial minority's, and poor people. They have been taught that rich people are the cause for the country's problems. Neither of these excuses are true. While each party does individually slightly benefit from a political win, this is all mainly to give you the illusion that you have a choice. Yes the ideologies were based on true beliefs long ago, but now Politicians knowingly lie about these positions. They in fact offer no solution to the problems, but rather mask the problems with smaller issues. Take gay marriage for example. I understand this is an important issue for some people, but it does not pale in comparison to that fact that this country is on the path to bankruptcy. So instead of fixing real issues, politicians constantly argue over smaller issues like this, because they know they offer no real solution to the big issues. The truth is you can't even get in the game if you want to solve the big issues. The entire system is rigged to ensure that the politicians and elite at the top expand their wealth and power. Most of all, these tactics are intended to divide you. As Abraham Lincoln said, "A house divided can not stand". When the entire country is divided, this means there will never be enough people to make a change. This is exactly what the establishment wants, because that means they keep their power and make more money. In fact, in today's world both parties are more similar than they are different. No matter what party you vote for, you are actually voting for debt, bankruptcy, loss of freedoms, and war. Both parties are filled with corruption, lies, and games. This is the most important thing you must accept before you truly understand the real problem. You must accept that both parties are wrong. You must accept that most politicians are liars. You must accept that Barack Obama is a liar, George Bush is liar, Bill Clinton is a liar, Jeb bush is a liar, and Hillary Clinton is a liar. They are all liars. You must learn to let go of the trust that you once had in these people. They don't care about you, and they don't care about your families. Their only concern is to ensure they stay in power. They are puppets. They do and say what they are told by the people who pay them. The true problem is not a Republican or a Democrat, but it's the philosophy that they both follow. It's no secret that America has economically been on a downwards track basically throughout the entire 20th century, and the beginning of the 21st century. So why is it that in over 100 years both parties have lead America on a downward path. Well the obvious answer is that neither party is actually helping anybody.

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