Chapter 3 The Government

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We live in a liberalized society taught to believe that government is good. This is a lie. Government is bad. Some big government advocates may have good intentions, but good intentions do not deliver good results in the world of economics. All socialistic governments collapse. Why did our founding fathers come to America in the first place? To escape a tyrannical government! The founders of this country saw the disastrous affects of big government and sought to live a life of freedom. In today's society they aren't given the credit they deserve. Think about it people. When this country was founded how did we become the richest and most powerful nation in the world in just over 100 years? Freedom! Now as the government gets bigger, this country goes downhill. That's as simple as it gets. Which shows us the answer to prosperity is less government. We live in a society of people who want something for free. First you must understand nothing is free. If anything is labeled "free", then someone else is paying for it. The government has three options to take in revenue. They can tax, they can print, or they can borrow. Again, we have been taught this is normal. The truth is that this is very bad. Taxes kill economic growth, and borrowing creates debt; Both of these are negative factors to an economy. Though, Printing is arguably the most damaging to an economy. When you print money, you decrease the value of everyone's money. This is why everything in life is so expensive. It's not because things just cost more, it's because your money is worth less. If we continue on this path we will come to the point where your money is worth nothing. One day America will be forced to liquidate the debt. This is the day where the world realizes we can not possibly pay our debt and we must print all the money needed to pay it off. This creates what is called hyper-inflation. This will in fact destroy the dollar, leaving it for no better use than toilet paper. This day is unavoidable. It will happen, and the longer we wait the worse it will be. Again the reason we are on this path is because we are taught to believe in big government. All governments can do is spend. When given the power to spend indefinitely, debt and bankruptcy is unavoidable. To fix these problems we must stop spending. The Constitution gives clear instructions as to what the role of government should be. The government can not take care of everyone. As good as it sounds, it is simply not possible. The idea that the government can take care of everyone is what has lead us into the mess we are in. Government intervention is what has caused this country's problems. Without government intervention we would have a strong currency (low prices), free markets (even lower prices), prosperity, and savings. Instead we have inflation, regulated-controlled markets, and debt.

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