Chapter 5 The Free Market

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The true driver of economic growth and prosperity is the free market. We must eliminate the federal reserve, and reduce government spending. When you reduce government spending, you reduce taxes. Lowering taxes is one of the most important steps to creating economic growth. The Free Market is the answer for creating the lowest possible prices. You have been taught capitalist free markets are what creates these messes. This is simply a lie. What creates this mess is socialistic haywire spending, funded by the Federal Reserve. America hasn't really had true capitalism in a very long time, which is why the country continues to decline. In a true free market you create competition. Competition lowers prices. Let's use cell phones for example. Cell phones are one of the last examples of a free market. When the cell phone first released it was thousands of dollars. Hardly anyone could afford one, but now what has happened? Every year cell phone quality improves while prices have drastically gone down from thousands of dollars to just a couple hundred dollars. Now if you look on the other side of the spectrum, you have the government. An example of a government run market would be healthcare. Ever since the government got involved in health care, prices have rose and quality has diminished. The fact is that government is just inefficient. In a free market, everyone's money would be worth more, and prices would lower due to competition. This would reduce poverty and create economic growth.

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