Chapter 4 The War on Poverty

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Now you must understand when you eliminate the government you eliminate a lot of programs that you once thought were beneficial. These programs consist of free health care, social security, food stamps, federal grants, etc. In today's circumstances these are basic necessities for some families, but if we actually lived in a free society with small government these programs would not be necessary. According to statistics more people have fallen into poverty since the introduction of these programs designed to "help" the poor. Before these programs were implemented poverty rates were actually declining. Why is that? Well I've told you, it's inflation. Remember the only way to pay for these programs are taxation, borrowing, or printing. Even if the government taxed every citizen 100% of their income, they could not afford to pay these bills. This leaves the only option; print more money. Hopefully by now you understand all that will do is make prices go up. If that still doesn't seem significant to you let me give you an example. Do you know how much gas really cost, according to real money (gold)? 10 cents per gallon. That's right folks. If we lived in a truly free American society gas would be 10 cents per gallon. This shows you how much the government has destroyed the dollar. If we didn't print all this money, then everything would be so much cheaper, and less people would struggle to pay their bills. So next time you thank your president for lowering gas prices, wether it be Obama or Bush, just remember it should really be 10 cents. They are both in fact making everything worse for you.

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