A Failed Attempt at Building My House

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A/N Thanks for the reads and comments! Love you guys! I decided to just post this cause I got like no votes or reads.


         ***Mya's POV***

               I stand in my dirt house and wait for morning. Staring out my door, I see the sun peeking over the horizon. As soon as it becomes light, I hear the sound of zombies yelling and bones smashing. I look out side to see zombies and skeletons going up in flames. Smirking, I spot a green animal, about two blocks high. It looks friendly, so I walk over to it.

                 "Excuse me mister, do you kno-"

                  "SSSsssSSSsSsSSSssSSss!" it hisses.

                   Stupidly, I ignore the warning and continue my question. I am thrown back and see the green creature is no longer there, left behind is a huge crater. Shrugging it off as a mistake, I fill in the hole, after all, I do now live here and don't want the land to look messy.

                     "Okay Mya,"I talk to myself."today you need a real house." I travel about thirty blocks and spot a huge forest. Walking over, I see a couple more of those green things and decide to stay away  from them. My stomach growls and I realize, wherever I am, I still need to eat. I continue walking to the forest. When I arrive there, I am greeted with the scent of the forest. I chop down four trees and I'm left with sixteen individual pieces of wood. I then make an astounding discovery. I can break the wood to make four wooden planks! Shocked, I decide to mess with the planks; then, I craft four planks into a workbench. I realize that I can make tool and other necessary things like a door. Confused at first, I try to make a door, but end up making stairs.

                      "Maybe this way."I say resulting in some wooden slabs."Or this. Yay!" I made my door and put it into my pockets. Soon after, I made sticks. After many experiments, I end up with a wooden hoe, sword, axe, and pic-axe. Using my axe, I continue to cut more pieces of wood. Suddenly, I hear a loud, breaking sound. My heart stops. I was relieved when i saw it was only my wooden axe that now lays in shards. I laugh at my self for being so perturbed and craft myself another one.

                           As it grows dark, I make my way back to my hole. I decide to test out my new tool and use my pic-axe to mine stone. In the dim light, I see light brown, and black specks in the stone. After I mine it, I recognize it as coal and iron. I make my way up to my crafting table and start my testing. For some time, I was testing but then I made torches, a furnace, and stone tools. I placed my torches around my hole."LET THERE BE LIGHT!" I giggled. I placed my furnace next to my workbench and figure it out. Since it was pretty self explanatory, I started to cook my iron oar. Feeling brave, and hungry, I make my way outside. After fighting a few zombies, I have accumulated seven rotten flesh. I wince as i stare at the meat. Taking my first bite, I notice its actually pretty good. With my stomach full, I go back to my furnace. My five iron oar is ready so I make myself an iron helmet, since I'm now an amature at crafting. Plopping it on my head, I decide that I need to get more iron for a full set of armor. I make my way to the trail I made before, and start to make a staircase going down. Stopping every few minutes to place a torch, I grow tired of mining. I make my way back up. By the time I reach the surface, I take a huge breath.

                          "Geez, the air is thin down there!."I make my way outside, and start to build my home.Viciously placing blocks, I step back, a little over confident and stared at my work, not in an amazed way. I've been building for a half n hour and only got down ten blocks! Feeling a little dissapointed, I decide to go get food. I wish i made a farm earlier, because now I have to kill innocent animals. The grass crunched as I plucked it, recieving five seeds. I decided that I will plant these later, so that I will have wheat. I approached the forest, my stomach not at all at ease for I had to kill or be killed. Or maybe it was that I was hungry. I saw a baby lamb trotting along with three full grown sheep. Knowing that I needed wool to actually sleep, I started to swing my sword. After a few pain filled "Bahh"s I started to search for a meat sorce. Clucking filled my ears, leaving me to follow my senses. Over a river, I saw about ten chickens who all layed fresh eggs. With murder in my eyes, I splashed through the river and swung until I heard one last cluck. My pockets were filled with ten raw chicken, twenty-two feathers, and ten eggs. Tears excaped me as I made my way home.

                            The orange light from the furnace lit my face. I waited until my meat was cooked. At last, fresh meat! I consumed two and walked to the workbench. I placed three wool over three wooden planks and made a bed. Placing it in the corner of my pit, I let darkness take me over.


A/N hope you liked it! At least one vote and 4 reads for a new chappy. ;}


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