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       I trip over my furnace as i tiredly stumble out of my bed towards my chest. Today I decided that I wanted to go explore the terrain around me. My chest's hinges squeak as I open the top, taking out my Pic axe, sword, some torches, and a small amount of food. I take a bit of my left over bread, close the chest, and head out the front door.

       Before I head out, I stop over at my garden. I pull the grown wheat from the ground, and replace the seeds, leaving them to grow. I go over to the crafting table,and make a few more pieces of bread. Then, I sprint towards the place that the small forest used to lay. All that remains now is a flat land with a few mountains.

     I sprint in the direction of the mountains and spot an orange speck in the distance. Looking down, I see much grass, so I hit it and take the seeds. I continue to sprint towards the mountains in the distance. My running slows to a steady jog as my hunger starts to grow. I spot a little pond before the mountain, so I walk towards it. As I reach the pond, the features of the orange speck becomes more distinct. I decide to eat before I check it out. Taking a loaf of bread from my pockets, I stare up at the mountain before me, searching for a route to the top. I finish chewing the bread and take out my sword. Making my way to the speck, I see that it is a pumpkin. I decide to mine it and put it in my pockets. After staring some more, I make my way to the top of the giant mountain towering above me.

       The climb to the top is exhausting. Very often, I would stumble upon a small tunnel, and some wild sheep. After i pass a few blocks, I can see the top of the mountain. Feeling like a king, I throw my arms and legs up the last block and stand, with my arms out. Sheep are grazing on the land. Grass is swaying in the steady breeze. Families of cows eat some of the grass. Water from streams is flowing steadily. The sight before me is breath taking. I scan the features around me. The outline of trees is shown far off in the distance. I decide to head that way, and make my way down the mountain.

       Going down the mountain is far easier than going up it. I trip a few times, hurting myself, but replenish my health by eating.

          When I reach the bottom, I scan the terrain for the trees and spot them far away. I await my long journey. I am excited yet nervous that I will run out of food. The stale grass crunches under my feet as I walk the land. I spot a few more pumpkins and some families of sheep. The sheep that I pass are brown and white. I even spot a pink one. Pigs stare at me as I pass as if they knew i slaughtered their family members. Tears well in my eyes with the memories of pain filled shrieks.

             I continue the long walk to the trees. Soon, the outline of the trees become detailed and they are right in front of me. I stop to cut down some wood. I gather some apples from the trees, when I notice something off. I shrug it off and continue deeper into the forest, munching on my apple every so often. Then it hits me. The sun is falling behind the horizon and I'm lost in the forest. The sky glows orange as I panic some more. My eyes glaze my surroundings. All I can see is a dense forest. I swallow my fear as the sky continues to grow dark. I take out my sword and get prepared for what is to come. The sky consumes the remaining light and I am submerged in darkness.

          "Hello?" I cry out. Maybe someone is out there. No other sounds are heard, besides the constant crunch of grass around me. I walk over to a small stream and place my feet in the cool water. The creatures of the night continuously fill my mind. I go to stand up. I turn. I am face to face with the green thing. It lets out a hiss. Before I can run, it explodes, sending me flying backwards, hitting a tree. My vision begins to blur so I eat a bit, which helps my health. I am left to meander the cold depths of the forest.

                After about two hours, my legs grow soar. It is still pitch black out. I turn to some trees when something catches my eye. Two blazing eyes, reflecting the moonlight are staring at me.


I am so sorry guys! I tried to make a long chapter, but, when I felt I wrote a lot, it turned out to be about three sentences... Also, I feel like this is a bad chapter.... :/ Sorry if i disappointed you.

Also, the 'green thing' is a creeper, also what she faced before in an earlier chapter. if you still don't know what it is, look on google 'minecraft creeper'.







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ILY ^3^


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