What the Heck Just Happened?

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         “Hello?” I saw the swoop of a hand wipe my focus clear. “Mya, are you okay?”

         “Huh. Oh Yeah!! I’m fine!” I gave him the faked smile that I could muster.

         “Mya. Are you mad at me for something?” I heard some concern in his voice.

I sighed. “Yeah, it’s just that I’m on edge. Cobb was pretty mad for some reason. Then you had to add to it and say he’s weird.”

“Well,” He’s cheeks were painted with red. “I apologize. Sometimes I just speak what’s on my mind.”

I showed a slight smile. “Don’t worry about it. Just be careful what you say around Cobb.”

“Will do.”


         “STOP IT NOW!” I screamed out.

         “What? Can’t stand that I’m beating you?” He smirked as he reeled in yet another fish. It seems that since he’s so great at fishing he must have an affinity to it.

         I hit his arm with the back of my hand. “No! Well listen, since you are so great at fishing, you catch some more and I’ll put fuel in the furnace. Meet me inside in twenty minutes.” He nodded and turned back to fishing. I walked away humming to a song. I bumped into an object. “OOffF- Oh hey Cobb!” He snorted in dismay and walked around me. “Cobb. What’s up with you lately? Are you okay?” He stopped in his tracks and I saw a glistening tear drop from his face.

         “I undifstamd yoo.” I literally almost fell over in shock.

         “DID YOU JUST FREAKING SPEAK?” I screamed to loudly in astonishment. He nodded and walked into the woods. I stood there for a good twenty minutes, trying to make sense of this.


Hellooooo I updated!!! Vote&Comment&Fan ^8^

Follow meh if you enjoyed the surprise update <(^.^)>

Oh and sorry if its short, I’m using Microsoft word since I’m not home right now…

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