Chapter 1 - Library Sue

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It was so hot that Thomas was sure you could melt chewing gum, cola bottles, and perhaps an old man's dentures on the sidewalk. If it hadn't been for his skateboard, he was sure his shoes would be blacktop glue by now and he was surprised that the tires on parked cars weren't inky puddles. He was glad that it was the end of June as school had one-week left and then freedom for two months of sweet, hot bliss! He and Amani would hang out in the cool air-conditioned movie theatre, ice cream shop down by the river and the mall.

Thomas jammed his picking finger up his nose, hooked a crusty booger, and flicked it to the road. He kicked the pavement, moving his skateboard faster as he turned towards the downhill incline on 6th Avenue N.E. He let out a raucous burst of gas as his stomach tightened in the moment of fear as his skateboard picked up momentum going downhill. His heart raced and he let out a loud whoop of excitement. Wind ripped at his hair, clothing and sensitive flesh around his eyes.

His thoughts drifted to Amani Banani who was the coolest girl in Fairview school with long, red hair, sparkling green eyes and a laugh that sounded like Prairie Chickadees. He was meeting Amani outside of the Swift Current Library on Herbert Street. He hoped that they weren't going inside. He hated Amani's surprise tours to the Art Gallery, Library, and Museum. Blah, was what he had to say about culture, history and worst of all reading! Amani loved that sort of thing. She was known as brainchild, the smartest girl in school. As intelligent as she was, she often intimated the other students so not many wanted to hang with her.

A horn honked, nearly causing Thomas to jump off his skateboard, as he cut across the street towards the green tank that marked 6th Avenue N.E. He glared at the driver who appeared out of nowhere and kicked his skateboard faster. He hopped the sidewalk, his skateboard clickiety-clacked over the division lines between each slab of sidewalk as he continued. He turned on Herbert Street and stopped outside the R.C. Dahl Centre.

A puppy that was tied to the bench let out a happy yip as Thomas strolled up the grass towards the entrance. Amani sat with an open book in her lap on the strange slats of metal that posed as a sculpture created by an impressionist. Thomas thought it looked like a giant book standing on its pages with its spine in the air.

"Hey Amani, like let's go before we miss the previews of Cutter's Island," Thomas yelled, forcing his fake California accent. He thought it made himself sound cool.

Amani glanced up, "Like we won't miss the movie Thomas, it like doesn't start until 3p.m. Like I got you to come early 'cause I wanted to visit the library and sign up for the Summer Reading Club."

Thomas groaned. Thankfully he was far enough away that Amani couldn't hear him. He hated going into the R.C. Dahl Centre. It was full of books and smelled of learning. Yuck! Once school was over, he didn't want to use his brain for another 2 months!

He looked forward to the last ring of the school bell that meant the start of summer holidays. Thomas would turn twelve on July 1st. He didn't like his birthdate either as he was the only guy in the city that had to share his birthday with the country's birthday. Since it was one of the biggest national holidays, his parents always went all out to celebrate it including giving Thomas his own birthday float so he could ride in the parade each year.

He guessed that it wouldn't be so bad except that he had to sit underneath a giant baby picture of himself wrapped in a red and white blanket that resembled the Canadian flag. His grandmother, Erica had bought it in hopes that he and his mom would be out of the hospital in time to celebrate Canada Day but Thomas had been a week over his due date and it apparently was a pleasant shocking surprise that he arrived at 4:44p.m. on July 1st instead of June 25th. To make the picture look even more horrid, his scrunched up, wrinkly, pudgy baby-face had chunks of skin peeling away. Talk about ugly. His proud parents thought he was the cutest thing in this city...well next to his sister, Jessica Jane.

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