Chapter Four - Back To The Door

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A week had passed since Thomas' disagreement with Amani. She hadn't talked to him for three days. When she was mad, she would give a guy the silent treatment for quite a while. Once when they were in grade three, she didn't talk to Thomas for a whole two months after he had tugged on her hair to get her attention. It didn't feel good to be fighting with his best friend but he was standing his ground, damn it. But his ground could only be stood with evidence and so he relented, taking a bouquet of carnations over to her. He apologized for acting weird then offered to prove it to her. Thankfully, she accepted his apology else wise, he wasn't sure what she would do.

He pushed his skateboard and rolled down the street. He was meeting her at the Creek House down by the river at the Southside Park. It was his turn to buy ice cream. They also scheduled a trip to the library. Thomas had finished his graphic novels the other day but he didn't want to take them back to the library during the day due to the fact that he would have to go in the building. The staff locked the book bin during the day and unlocked it at night. He took his books back last night and then he toured around the outside of the building looking for the glowing door. He was trying to reassure himself that it was just a door that led outside. But he couldn't find it on the outside. He had no choice, he would have to show Amani the door.

His skateboard hit a rough patch on the road and he hopped off his board. He skidded as he stopped himself, then sprinted to catch his runaway skateboard. He tapped the backend and the board sprang up. He caught it and tucked it under his arm. He would walk since the road had many rough patches. He didn't want to risk falling off his board.

Once he got to the second avenue bridge, he jumped back on his board and rode the rest of the way to sixth avenue southeast. When he arrived at the park, he popped his board up again, and ran down the grassy ditch to the parking lot.

The Creek House was nice a cool with a noisy bunch of teenagers waiting in line for their ice cream. Thomas recognized a few of his classmates, Jean and Anthony. He waved to them then searched the line for Amani. She was about third from the front so Thomas budged into line.

"Hey like what's up?" he said.

"Not a lot," she said, her nose was in a book.

"Like how can you read and walk at the same time?" he asked.

Amani glanced at him, her faced appeared pinched with an annoyed look. He almost chuckled as he knew how much she hated being interrupted when she read.

"Like it's a talent I acquired when I was like three," she replied tersely. "Just like the ability to chew gum and like walk."

She flipped her red ponytail and faced the front. Thomas grinned at her. She could be so sarcastic too. That was a quality that he liked most about her. The line moved as one customer left and the next customer moved to the counter. He tapped his fingers on his skateboard. Soon they would have their sweet treat then be off to the library. His insides quivered at the thought.

"Thomas?" Amani said.

He startled, then realised that she was standing at the counter. One slim hand was drumming the top with her fingertips as she waiting for him to catch up to her. His cheeks flamed. He glanced down at his shoes and walked forward.

"What will it be?" the cashier said. She was a middle-aged woman with black curly hair.

"Uh, I'll have a cola, double chocolate fudge, cherry ice cream cone." Thomas said.

"All together, that will be eight bucks."

Thomas gave the lady his money. She dished up their ice cream cones and handed them over with the bottoms of the cones wrapped in paper. Thomas jammed his change in his pocket and took a big bite out of his ice cream. The shocking cold tingled against his teeth to the point of pain. He maneuvered his around his mouth pushing the ice cream around and then swallowing it.

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