Chapter Two - End Of School

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The library office was quiet. All the patrons had left and the doors were locked. Library Sue shut down the last computer, when Thomas cleared his throat. She glanced over at him with a sly smile on her plum lips. She stood up, hips swaying, shoes tip-tapping on the cement floor, as her purple and pink plaid skirt flapped in an imaginary breeze. She rested her elbows on the counter, her green eyes sparkling behind her purple horn rimmed glasses. She batted her long lashes at Thomas. A lump formed in his throat as he ran a sweaty hand through his shaggy brown locks. He fought to swallow it. He smiled back, pursing his lips together for a kiss.

"Thomas," Library Sue's silky voice sang in his head. "Oh Thomas, could you like please totally stop kissing my locker door so I can close it?"

Thomas blinked and the vision of Library Sue's plump plum lips evaporated to the dull red lockers of Fairview school. The last bell of the school year gave a shrilled ring causing Thomas to jump back, dislodging his lips from Amani's locker. Amani giggled. Thomas wiped his mouth and glanced about to see who else saw him making out with Amani's locker. Thankfully, the students were too busy cleaning out their lockers, jamming stuff into bags and heading like a heard of buffalo out of the school doors. It was finally the end of the school year, Thomas had put up with his fidgety nature for the past week, trying to concentrate on final exams, school tours and other fun activities that wrapped up the end of grade six. Like the other students, he could hardly wait to get out of here.

"Like who do you have a crush on?" Amani asked him.

His face flamed and his mouth was suddenly dry. "Ah no one."

Amani slapped a hand to her hip and cocked an a red eyebrow, "Oh really? It's like not every day a guy makes out with my locker door without day dreaming about a special crush. Oooo, I bet it's totally Danielle."

"No, it's so not!" Thomas frowned. He shivered at the thought of kissing brace-face Danielle. His tongue would probably get stuck in all that metal. "I-I was like day dreaming about my favorite cola drink being turned into ice cream. Wouldn't that be totally cool!"

Amani gave him the uh-ha, you're lying look, then turned her attention to the remains of her locker.

"When you're like ready to tell me who it is, you know I'm totally here for ya buddy."

Thomas' whole body suffered from a heat flash. He stuck his head in his own locker and jammed the rest of his belongings in his bag. Thank goodness it was the end of school. He could hardly wait to get home. June was a scorcher and he wanted to get home as soon as possible to grab his skateboard and head to the water park to cool off. May be Amani would want to come too and they could get ice cream at the Creek House. Or may be Amani will want to visit the library again and Thomas could see Library Sue. At the mere thought of the library, his intestines protested with an explosion of farts.

"E-eeeww, Thomas," Amani said from inside her own locker. She withdrew her head and gave him her best mad face, "Like couldn't you have waited until we were outside?"

Thomas giggled. Amani's mad face made her look like a pissed off kitten who had been sprayed with a water gun. "Sorry, Amani," he said, biting his lip so he would quit laughing. "My stomach totally has a mind of its own."

"Apparently wind of its own too," Amani said, then giggled. "It sounds like you have enough gas to blow a sailboat across the Landing on a windless day!"

Thomas' ears reddened. He chuckled more to hide his embarrassment though he was sure she was right. He could blow a sailboat across the Saskatchewan Landing.

"Say, do you want to like go to the water park later?" he asked.

"Naw," Amani said sticking her head back into her locker. "I have to clean my room when I get home. Then I want to read some of the books I brought home from the library last week-end. If you want, we could go tomorrow after the parade."

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