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Why was this happening? Why?

That was the only thought in Dave's mind as he walked out of the house he shared with his boyfriend, quickly put on some shoes, and went to look for said person. This wasn't the first time this has happened. It actually happened just yesterday. John had just walked outside while Dave wasn't paying attention and somehow got lost in the endless jungle the two had settled in. It took Dave about an hour to find him sitting in the middle of an opening in the jungle and just staring off. Dave dragged him from there all the way back to the house and he didn't try to go back out after that.

But now Dave was worried. It has been two and a half hours since he's last seen John, and he's already checked the place John went before. He doesn't know anywhere else he might've gone, so his searching grew more frantic as time passed on and he still couldn't find him.

"John!!" Dave yelled, his voice already hoarse. He's been yelling for an hour and a half, but John still hasn't responded to him. Where the fuck did he go? Dave thought.

"John!! Where the fuck are you?!" Dave yelled again. He was getting desperate. If he didn't find John (and soon), he'll go fucking crazy. Just as he was getting into the third hour of frantic searching and yelling, he heard a whimper. It was faint, but he could've heard it a mile away and still know who that is.

"John?! John, is that you?!" Dave yelled, then went silent to see if he could hear the sound again.

And there it was, a faint whimper on the right side of Dave, deeper into the jungle. Fuck it, Dave thought, and ran into the jungle without even looking back.

"John!! John, scream if you can hear me!!" Dave yelled, running in between trees and snapping branches on the jungle floor. He waited for a second and was just about to continue on his way when a hoarse voice quietly said "D-Dave" from the left side of him. He sprinted into the direction of the exclamation, and almost knocked into a tree because he was running so fast.

"John!!! John, please!! Yell, scream, do something."

Dave mumbled the last part to himself and, as if John could hear him, he said in a voice that could be considered normal volume, "Dave, I-I'm over here."

Dave did a total 360 and ran into the densest part of the jungle. As he found yet another opening, he almost fainted at the sight before him. There was John, sweet, beloved John that Dave loved with all his heart, laying in the middle of the opening openly bleeding, and oh God, there was blood everywhere how did this even happen-

"Dave" John sighed out, more in relief than anything else. Dave almost dropped to his knees as he drew closer to John, the wounds clearly visible.

"J-John, what the fuck?" Dave whispered, and this time he did drop to his knees as he pulled John into his chest. "Jesus, John, what the actual fuck happened to you?" Dave said, cradling John's wounded body and stroking his hair. John had scratches all over his legs, Dave is pretty sure one of John's arms is broken (is it supposed to look like that?), and he has a huge gash in his side and a smaller one on his right leg.

John sighed in contentment, leaning heavily onto Dave because he just couldn't keep himself up anymore. "I-I was looking for you, because you weren't at the house. I got l-lost in the jungle and then these wild dogs started chasing me (A/N: this has actually happened to me and it is scary as fuck, okay?). They chased me into here and I-I didn't realize what this place was until a baby boar was trotting towards me. I-" John let out a shaky sigh, and Dave just looked at him because he knows what John is gonna say next but he doesn't want to hear it because oh God he might just vomit-

Dave's thoughts were cut off as John continued speaking. "T-This place, Dave. Its a boar's den. And I didn't r-realize it until the mother came running at me. I reacted too late, and got shoved into a tree. The mother bit into my side deeper than I imagined, and I broke my arm from trying to shield myself as I got shoved. I-" John was interrupted again, but this time he coughed up blood and it splattered right on Dave's shirt.

Dave felt dizzy. This isn't happening this isn't happening this isn't happening this isn't happening John will live, and he'll be better before you know it so just calm down-

"I-I fainted after that," John said, interrupting Dave's thoughts yet again."And when I woke up there was another bite mark on my leg. I guess the mother thought I was dead and let the baby boar eat part of me because the bite mark was smaller." John said, and Dave could feel the vomit that was climbing its way up his throat.

John stayed quiet for a while, and just when Dave almost had a mental breakdown because he thought John might've died, John said, "Kill me, Dave. Right now. Please."

Dave's eyes widened so much he thought they were gonna fall off his face. "You don't know what you're saying, John." Dave said, shaking his head vigorously. Why would he even suggest something like that?

"I've already lost s-so much blood. Its only a matter of time before I die of blood loss. And I'd rather d-die knowing you're going to be the one to do it." John said, and Dave thinks John is fucking insane.

"W-What? John, just shut the fuck up and listen to me-"

"No, Dave." John said, and Dave is surprised by the assertiveness in his voice. "You listen to me. Would you rather I die by someone else's hands? Or just die of blood loss? That's not really how I want to go o-out." John said, and he's coughing up blood again and Jesus Christ Dave just wishes he would stop rambling nonsense-

"Dave." John said, and for the first time since Dave found him he looked into John's eyes. They held a tiredness one would associate with old age, and Dave just had to look away. John's eyes were dulled, no longer the energetic blue Dave grew to love but a blue that resembled troubled ocean waters.

"I know you don't want to do this, but please. Either way I'm dying today, and this is my final wish, okay? Just please, end the pain. I don't know how much more of this I can take." John said desperately, and Dave has tears rolling down his cheeks because fuck he knows its the right thing to do.

Dave pulled out his knife (seriously, who goes into a jungle unarmed? Dave flinched as he thought this; John does.), pulled it out of its sheath, and threw the sheath onto the ground next to John.

"Are you sure you want me to do this?" Dave asks, and its his last chance to see if John has come to his senses.

"Y-Yes." John answers immediately. He thought John would say that, but actually having to do this is a bit surreal.

"I know you don't want to," John started quietly. His voice sounded tired, and he looks like he's on the brink of unconsciousness, but he continues.

"I'm just so tired, Dave. I'm hurting everywhere and I can't move and I'm just in so much pain."

Dave is openly crying, the knife in his hands shaking. He couldn't do this. He's never killed anyone, and he doesn't want that streak to be broken by John of all people.

"I know I've been causing you a lot of trouble lately. And I know I'm forgetting things, but please just do this for me. I love you, Dave. And if you love me then you would carry out this wish of mine." John said, and he said it like he was the one holding the knife.

Dave couldn't take it. He hugged John closer to his chest, and kissed his face wherever he could reach. He kissed John's lips one last time, before bringing the knife above him.

"I love you, John." Dave said shakily, but John just smiled at him.

"Smile for me, Dave. I don't want my last sight to be my boyfriend having such a sad look on his face." John said, which made Dave cry harder.

Dave smiled, but it looked more like a grimace because how can you smile when you're about to kill the love of your life. John chuckled at the look on his face, and that was enough for Dave's grimace to soften into a sad, real smile. John smiled again upon seeing Dave's face, and Dave brought the knife down as John's last words were ringing in his ears.

I love you too, Dave.

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