Chapter 2

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Ariana's POV

It was the night of the concert and I was getting ready when I heard a loud crash in my living room. I go and check and of course it's Lexi.

"So girl you ready!" she says

"yeah just let me pick out an outfit" I ran to my room and picked out a 'hipsta please' shirt with my white jeans and black toms. Once I did that I ran to my mirror and checked in my makeup and hair.

"All done!" I say

"Good now let's go!!" Lexi yells

------skipping car ride------

So when we get there some girls are screaming and they look really red and look like their about to croak. I just walk past then and get in line for the meet and greet, while I was in line a BIG guy came and started counting people then he stopped at me and said

"If your behind this young lady then I'm sorry your going to have to come back after the concert"

There was sooo many girls that were yelling then I heard 'slut' I turned around and some girl with bleached blonde hair and a really bad tan stood there with her hands on her hips.

"Excuse me." I say eyeing her

"You herd me you little tramp, you shouldn't be aloud out of your house cause how ugly you are" she said while I was reviving 'oooooos' I looked at her and said

"Listen bitch, shut the fuck up or else I'll knock you into tomorrow got it?" I say putting my hands on my hips.

While some girls were laughing at her.

"We'll slut I'm waay more popular than you!" she yelled.

"Bitch your not popular..your vagina is." then I turned around and waited for my turn. We were almost there until I saw Lexi she had boxers in her purse? I poked her and told her why she had them. And all she told me was 'I have a plan' I jus prayed to god it didn't get us kicked out. Finally we were the only ones left and I saw them Lexi went first and was giggling while Zayn I guess was flirting and when she got to Niall she had started conversation then the guard let me go. First off it was Liam he was cute and all but he had a girlfriend from what Lexi had told me.

"Hello!" I say cheerily

"Hey there love!" He said

"Umm I don't really have anything for you to sign"

"No worries love so what's your name?" He says eyeing me.

"Ariana Jacobs"

"We'll nice to meet you Ariana" he smiled while I went on to the next boy. I looked up at him he was adorable.

"HI!!" he screams

"HELLO!!" I scream back he smirks

"I'm Louis Amazing Tomlinson" he says.

"I'm Ariana Fabulous Jacobs" I say smiling. He just laughs and I told him I didn't have anything to sign so he pulled out a marker and grabbed my arm. Then I went back to Liam and he signed it.

"Well thanks for signing my arm!" I say and walk to the next one Zayn he was cute to.

"Hey there babe nice to meet yah" he says. Babe?

"Nice to meet you to" I say. He looks at Lexi which is waiting for me by the exit he just smiles while she looks up and she smiles to. ohhhh I see a connection going on here(;

"So um do you mind something love?"he asks

"No" I say

"We'll do you mind giving me your beautiful friends number?" I just smile and say

"559-713-3423"(RN by the way)

he smiles signs my arm and I move on. Niall. He was adorable and cute at the same time I smile he just nods.

"Can I have your arm." he says I his Irish accent. I stare at him and it looks like he's mad.

"I'm Ariana Jacobs by the way thanks for asking" I say

He just gives me this look like 'woah you have the balls to tell me that im fucking Niall Horan' then he smirks and winks. Next was Harry he smiles and his dimple was just there so I just poked it (don't judge I like dimples). He looked at me weird and I said sorry.

"No it's ok love, I like when attractive girls touch me" he says while winking.

"Oh yeah I like when attractive boys 'try' and seduce me" I say doing the quote thing and winking

He just blushes and grabs my arm and signs while all the boys are like 'ooo mate' I just laugh and about to walk of when I here someone say wait. I turn around and it was Harry

"Umm can I know...have your number?" he says all nervous

"Sure it's 559-842-7734"(anotha RN) I say smiling

"Thanks! And by the way LOVE the shirt!" he says I just smile. Then I hear someone yell

"Omygosh I forgot" I turned to see Lexi holding up the boxers "ZAYN you left these at my house last night!" She yelled everyone including the body guard was laughing I'm guessing this was her plan

"Umm thanks babe I knew my favorite ones were missing" Zayn said Lexi just laughed and we walked off into the stadium to our seats.


Okay this is my FIRST story pleeeeses tell me what you think I know the first chapter really sucked balls but I'm working on it so ummm maybe some votes? comments? anything? Pleeeesese! Thanks 💕

-Serena :D

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