Chaoter 3

11 1 0

Ariana's POV

We were exactly front row and center. I was smiling thinking about what happened, the concert didn't start until another 20 min so I was talking to Lexi when I heard a scoff. I turned around and saw her

"Oh look it's the burnt bitch" I say smirking

"Whatever you stupid slut I hope you get hit by a car" she said laughing

"Ok i'll try my best and do that" I said rolling my eyes. Then she left to go to her spot the concert apparently started cause the lights dimmed.

"HELLO LOS ANGELES!!" obviously Louis said.

"We're very excited to be here" Niall said waving.

"We can't believe we're playing here for four nights!" Liam yelled

"So we wanted to start off with the song that we did a video on for the charity" Zayn said. Every one started screaming and jumping.

"So lets get this party started!" Harry yelled!

----skipping to end of concert----

"Wow you Americans are so energized!" Liam said

"But sadly to say this the concert is over" Louis says pretending to cry on Zayns shoulder then Zayn starts fake crying then Niall then Liam finally Harry. Everybody starts laughing and then they say their final goodbyes and left the stage. When we make it out to go home I get a text from a number that says,

'Hey there love it's Harry! Um Zayn wants to know if you want to go clubbing? (: x'

I ask Lexi and she screams YES and so I text back,

'Hey! And yeah we'll go (:'

'Yay! Be ready by like 2 hours. We still got the meet and greet but can't wait(;'

I smile and get into the car. I look out my window and think .what did I just do.


Okayyy how do you like it?? Um I'm trying my best but I like the next chapter waaaay better haha well

vote? comment? anything?

Bye 💕


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