Chapter 15

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Dani's POV

*that night Harry and Ari were out*

"L-Liam.." I say

"Yeah babe? What's wrong you look scared" he said walking towards me. Ahh typical Liam he can always tell when I'm scared. I love him.

"Well um I kinda want to tell you something.." I say

"Sure" he says. I climb on the bed and pat a seat next to me. Once he sits I grab his hands and take a deep breath.

"Look this is not easy to say.." I start off

"Your breaking up with me huh. But Dani I love you don-"

"I'm not done dork" I say smiling

"Oh go on.." He says

"I'm uh. You know. Uh how do I say this. But um. My stomach is full." I say hoping he'll get it

"Well that's what happens when you eat to much" he says

"No Liam as in full. And not with food" I say emphasizing 'full'

"Well I don't know what you mean?" He says

"Liam I'm pregnant" I say. I don't even look up I don't wanna see his face. Probably full of regret, disgust, angry, disappointment?

"Wha- how?" Liam says looking at me shocked. I just look at him stupidly

"Liam we had sex! When people tend to have sex some might get pregnant. I tend to be part of that some" I say calmly as possible

"Well is it mine?" He asks. He did not just say that. He just pushed the last button. He set me off.

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU ASK THAT? I LOVE YOU AND ONLY YOU! WHY WOULD YOU THINK IT'S NOT YOURS!! I DONT EVEN PLAY LIKE THAT LIAM!" I scream. Suddenly on cue. The rest of the lads run in and including El. But I don't think Liam notice them.


"Well then I guess this is it. It's over. I'm sorry but you won't have time for the two of us in your life so why be in it" I say grabbing my suitcase and start putting my stuff in it.

"No Dani I-I just was mad" he says

"Mad? For what? Me being pregnant? For all of this I should be the one pretty fucking mad. You just asked me if the baby was yours. Of course it is why the hell would you ask that? And then you go and say you don't have time for me or the baby! So you know what I'm fucking clueless on why your mad!" I say still putting clothes in my bag.

"Ahem" Zayn says breaking the awkwardness

"Shit" Liam mutters

"Lou Bear?" El says

"Yes" he says

"Can-" El was cut off

"YOUR PREGNANT TO!" Louis yells

"No! I was just gonna ask you to sleep here with Liam so Dani can sleep with me! But now you have no choice you arse!" El yelled. Wow. El never cursed.

"Sorry babe! I um. Uhhh. Yeah I'll sleep with Liam" Louis says hanging his head down and walking to get his stuff. I think. I hear the rest of the boys giggling like little girls.

"Dani-" Liam says

"Don't talk to me" I say finishing and dragging my suitcase to El and Louis' room.

"Lou get out I need girl time with Dani" El says shoving him out the room. Then she closes the door.

"Hey Dani poo" El says hugging me

"Look El I love you to death but I really don't want to talk about it right now. Well we'll talk about it with Ari tomorrow" I say climbing into bed

"Ok Dani poo" El says claiming into bed with me

"I want it to be a girl" I say

"Why?" El asks

"Cause you know when she's old enough I can show her my dance moves. I can dress her up pretty, go shopping with her, just so many things to do with a girl" I say rubbing my stomach

"And a boy?" El asks

"Well I would love to dress him and take him to his football (soccer) games. Watch him grow up into a man. Meet his little girly friends and oh there's so much to do with both" I say rubbing my stomach again

"Well goodnight Dani Poo love you!" El said

"Goodnight Ely Poo!" I said. Then fell right asleep.


Hey there! At first I thought this chapter was deleted and I was like

NO! I FUCKING TOOK MY TIME ON THIS SHIT! (sorry for the profanity)

Anyways! I got back on and it was saved! 😱 All together I hope you like this chapter! It was emotional for me. (not that much) but bye!


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