The Sneak-out

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Friday, May 12th

 9:35 p.m.

Raheem’s backyard

  “Come on, Ade, are you trying to make us late?” Raheem hissed to Adrienne from across his backyard.

    “I’m coming! Can you give me a second? My shoes are coming off!” she snapped, stumbling over a small hole in the ground. The dewy grass made it even harder for her to get a grip on the hard ground, and she nearly fell face-down in the sea of green lawn.

    “Well, can you come faster? The party starts in twenty minutes.”

Now by his side, Adrienne smirked, “I thought being ‘fashionably late’ was your thing?”

      The crisp, spring air caressed her black hair and whipped it across her round face. Her dark, brown eyes widened at the anticipation and excitement that was building up inside her.

    Raheem frowned in the darkness and didn’t reply. He reached in his Gucci jeans for his car keys. After a few seconds of blind searching, his fingers grazed over the keys to his Porsche.

     A smile crept upon his perfectly chiseled face as he pulled them out and unlocked the brand new car. Adrienne’s blush-red stilettos clinked against the concrete driveway with every step she took until she reached her destination.

    “Ade, seriously, could you be any louder?” Raheem fussed. “You do know the whole point of sneaking out is to not get caught, right?”

     Adrienne ignored his unnecessary comment and grasped the cold handle of his car. She opened it and slid herself into an elaborately made leather seat.

     Her senses were overwhelmed by the smell of the new sports car, the sight of genuine Italian leather, and the feel of the smooth fabric beneath her. She knew it wasn’t a big deal at all for him to have such nice, expensive things anytime he wanted. In a matter of fact, she was quite use to. It also didn’t surprise her that they were sneaking out, once again behind her parents’ backs to go to some insane party. But she couldn’t lie to herself. She enjoyed going on crazy escapades late at night, getting expensive gifts, and most of all—getting in trouble. As long as she was with Raheem, it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered.

     “Are you sure your parents are asleep?”

He turned to her, “Of course I’m sure. They have to be at the office extremely early tomorrow morning; anyway...They won’t even know I’m gone.”

 Adrienne sensed hint of sadness, or wait, was it disappointment that flashed across his face just as fast as it had came? Adrienne knew why Raheem was always snappy and agitated all the time. He hardly ever saw his parents, and even when he did, they were either too busy to converse or trying to sleep for the next hectic day at work. Even as a child, Raheem’s parents rarely spent any time with him. It was either maid after maid, butler after butler, or servant after servant, that tended and cared for him.

    He had no siblings, so he was often lonely as a child and never really knew what it was like to be loved and cared for by a parent figure. Adrienne always let his nasty comments and smart remarks slide pass her, because she knew that he didn’t mean them. She knew he was a sweet, vulnerable, and sensitive guy when he wasn’t peeved about something, and right now he was peeved.

     “What’s wrong, Raheem? I haven’t seen a smile on your face all day. What’s up?” Adrienne asked extremely concerned.

    “Nothing’s up,” he murmured trying to stick the key in the ignition, but Adrienne quickly forced his hand away and glared. He sighed heavily and glared back. “What?” he asked in annoyance.

   “Something’s wrong and we’re not leaving until you tell me.” Adrienne replied sternly while crossing her arms over chest.

     Raheem took a quick glance at his silver, Rolex watch. 9:47 p.m., about   twelve minutes until the party started. He knew the style of this party was exclusive and no one got in after 10:05. If he wanted to make it to the party on time, he had to tell Adrienne what she wanted to hear.

     Raheem looked up at Adrienne and smiled sweetly. “Look, ‘Ade, I’m just a little Irritated about my parents right now, ok. I don’t really want to talk about it so don’t ask. All I want is to have fun tonight. Let loose and fun is all I want. Will you please let me have that?”

      Adrienne smiled faintly. “Sure, I can give you that.”

Raheem smiled widely and quickly kissed her on the lips. Adrienne’s head began to swirl and she felt dizzy - a good dizzy. A dizzy that made you want to fall, but fall into the arms of your love. It was the kind of dizzy that leads to warmth exploding all inside you, fulfilling the emptiness that was left without it. His kisses made her want to swoon and made her feel loved and wanted. Even just a peck on the cheek leads her to feeling this way. She couldn’t help but to be crazy in love with him, but the awareness of the fact that it was wrong calmed her hormones to a point at which she could withhold her feelings for him.

         Raheem inserted the ignition and the car started up with a sweet, quiet purr. He put the car in drive and they sped off into the night, heading to the party of the season.

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