Prom Problems

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Monday, May 15th

3:01 p.m

La Salle High School hallway

      Adrienne walked down the partially deserted hallway to her locker. Her 7th period teacher, Mr. Watkins, had let her class out early due to good behavior. Once at her locker, she twister the dial on her combo-lock and unlocked the blue painted door. She grabbed the books that she needed and abandoned the ones that she didn’t. She slammed her locker shut and looked up only to be startled by a pair of deep, green eyes.

        “Woah! ….Jonah, hey,” her voice wavered, still taken aback by his presence. She hadn’t seen or talked him since the party Saturday night, and she thought it was probably because he didn’t remember her.   “W-what are you doing here?”

        Jonah flashed Adrienne his infamous sideways grin. “I never really got the chance to tell you how much fun I had Saturday.”

       “Wow! You actually remembered?”

     He chuckled, “I have to admit I was pretty wrecked, but I never forget a gorgeous face, Adrienne,” Jonah put emphasizes on her name, showing her that he remembered that, too.

       She blushed, “Well, I’m surprised. I thought you weren’t good with names?”

      “I’m working on it,” Jonah replied with a smirk. “So, anyway, I was actually wondering if you had any plans Friday in two weeks. We could hang out….or, you know, maybe go to prom together.”

          She gasped and looked at him gap-mouthed. Of course she had a great time with him at the club, but things were different. The situation was different.

        “Umm….prom? Look, Jonah I—“

“Am I too late?” he interjected, his voice dripping with disappointment.

       Adrienne frowned, “No, you’re not too late—“

“Well, what is it? Didn’t you enjoy Saturday night?”

      “Yes, I had a great time, actually, but I—I really don’t even think I’m going to prom, anyway. I mean I have a lot on my plate right now,” she replied.

     Jonah’s face scrunched up in confusion. “But you’re on the Prom Committee! How could you not go to prom?”

     She sighed wearily and leaned against her locker. “I don’t know, Jonah, ok I really don’t. But I hope you’re not mad at me.”

     His expression softened. “No, I’m not mad—a little disappointed, yes, but not mad. I’m actually kind of glad you were honest with me. I’d hate it if you felt pressured into saying yes and then we ended up having a terrible time. It just wouldn’t be right, you know?”

      Adrienne nodded. It wouldn’t be that fun at all. The only thing she would ever be able to think about that night would be Raheem, and it wouldn’t be fair to Jonah if she wasn’t completely into it.

       “Well, maybe we could do something else some other time, when you’re not busy, of course,” Johan replied hopefully.

       Adrienne smiled faintly. “Yeah, we should definitely do that.”

He nodded in agreement. “Alright, well, I’ll see you around.”

      She waved goodbye as he dashed out the school doors just when the bell rang.

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