After the Wizarding war

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Hi guys...This is my first fanfic and i am not as good as other writers in english because i speak a different language , so forgive me if there are any mistakes and all the characters belong to amazing J.k rowling and Rick riordan and some characters and the plot belongs to me.

Harry P.O.V
I was standing in the middle of the forbidden forest and there was a snake like man standing in front of me...Voldemort himself. He raised his wand and AVADA KEDAVRA.....
I awoke with a start in Ron's bedroom in burrow, ron was still snoring. Its been 3 days since the Battle of Hogwarts, finally i defeated voldemort and he was killed by his own killing curse. But still even after his death he was haunting my dreams. I came out of my thoughts with Weasley yelling downstairs break fast is ready. Ron too woke up after hearing about breakfast. We quickly got ready and went downstairs only to find Ginny making the table ready for breakfast. I quickly gave a peck on her lips saying 'Good morning beautiful' and she smiled in return. The war is over so we have been dating again, none of the weasleys know this except for ron who is still a little uncomfortable on me dating his sister.
We all sat for eating breakfast and suddenly M.r Weasley came along with HERMIONE! we were surprised to see her. she went to australia in search of her parents , so we did not expect her to come this early. Ron was the first to react to her arrival..he quickly went and hugged her and was followed by me, ginny and mrs weasley.
we all together sat down for breakfast and hermione was happily explaining how she found her parents and then suddenly four owls arrived through the window.
"Hey those are hogwart's owls"! Ginny squealed excitedly.
I quickly untied the letter which was addressed to me and read...
Dear M.r Potter
We are pleased to inform you that Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry is going to reopen shortly and those who have missed the classes last year due to war are given oppurtunity to continue their classes with the now 7th years. Kindly inform your decision.
Minerva Mcgonagall
P.S- you are going to continue as gryffindor quidditch captain if you wish to come to school.
After reading my letter, i saw that we all got similar letters.
"so we all are going right!"hermione exclaimed.
"Indeed!" ginny said happily..
"I have to think" ron and i both said in unison.

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