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Hello My Dear Readers and Supporters. Wishing You all a very Happy 2K17. Have a great year ahead.
I started this story in First Person but from the past three chapters I am writing it in third person point of view and for the rest of the chapters too I am going to do it in the same way as There are so many characters and I could not decide in which person point of view I have to write. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for all your support. Hope you enjoy the chapter.
Thank You

The creature raised his sword and the light which shone so brightly in Arjun's eyes got dimmer and was threatening to leave.

" I can't die like this." Arjun's mind echoed just like every other person on the earth who are about to die."Out of all the battles I won, I am going to die in the hands of some filthy creatures!'

He thought about his mother and his foster father, his blissful days in the Ashram. His ecstatic moments with Ketan, the crazy sword and archery fights they used to have and their riveting adventures together which never ceased to stun their fellow classmates. He thought about the dream which led him here and the consequences he is facing now for not listening to his friend.

He flirted with many life and death situations before, so this was as old as a fairy tale to him but this time there is no Ketan,infact any other person to save him. In every trouble he faced, he always gave a good fight but this one was his worst till date.

In Probably the worst moment of his life, Arjun stood helpless. The tip of the raised sword almost touched his neck when a loud crack echoed around him.

Just as when the sword almost came in contact with his neck a lightning bolt struck the sword which passed through its metallic surface and burned the creature.

At First Arjun thought that his father again came to his rescue, thinking of how many ways he could thank him but it was something else.

He saw the creatures moving in the other direction and tilted his head. There he saw a group of 11 people with a weapon in each hand.

"So these are the people, people from my dreams."

"Inferno" Arjun heard the people yell.
A huge fire erupted from the tips of their sticks burning the army of creatures.

"Hold on! The lightning struck creature did not form again, nor the creatures that just burned" Arjun noticed the pile of ashes that stood over the place.

He quickly took out his bow, grabbed an arrow from the ground and chanted the hymn for Agni, the Lord of fire. He pointed the arrow which is now the 'Agneyastra' at the creatures and released it unleashing firestorm on them.

A huge blast of water and a strike of lightning from two people of the group electrocuted the remaining bunch of creatures.

The brown colour sand of the sea shore was now covered with large amounts of thick black ash leaving a bunch of teenagers sighing in relief.

"Well! Thank you! Without you I would have been a mid day meal for them. I am Arjun by the way." Arjun introduced himself and the others followed too.

"This may be surprising" Arjun told the group" but you people have been raiding my dreams for the past few days."

"Believe me Bro, Dreams aren't new terms in our dictionaries. We are so familiar with them. But wondering why you are getting those." Harry answered.

"Infact I was wondering the same thing" Arjun replied while searching his bag which was lost some where in the fight.

He found the bag and quickly rummaged in it taking out the flag he brought." Identified this?"

"We have a similar flag. Infact it helped us identify the direction."Leo took out the flag which decorated their ship and showed it to him.

"That's the one I am frequently seeing in my dreams, the flag hoisted on a ship and you people traveling in it."

"So that proves we arrived at the right place" Jason said
"Infact you arrived at the right time dude." Arjun replied

He took the other flag from them and the two flags merged magically evolving into a single flag with a divine Hexagon like symbol in the centre. The aura generated by the flag was so divine they can feel the positive vibrations around them.

"So where to go now Arjun" Annabeth asked curiously.

"To My Ashram, Any ideas to go there faster?"

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