Unexpected Encounter

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Harry's P.O.V

We are sitting at the Gryffindor table in the great hall. The enchanted ceiling above us looking magnificient.
Just now sorting was completed and this year there came many muggleborn students.

Not only Voldemort was destroyed but the fear has also started to destroy. "This is a very good omen" I thought.
Hagrid was at the teachers table waving at us and then the new Headmistress stood to deliver her speech.
"Welcome to Hogwarts. First of all I want all of us to stand and pray for the heroes who sacrificed themselves for us in the war"
we all stood silently closing our eyes praying their souls must rest in peace.
"Thank u" Mcgonagall started" Let me appreciate on behalf of all of us the people who fought the war and especially our three students Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger referred as the Golden Trio for their exceptional service in bringing Voldemort down.
Thank You GoldenTrio"
All the students turned to us three by a look of appreciation in there faces. I felt uncomfortable being the centre of attention as always and ron and hermione are feeling the same.
"Now! As you all know with voldemort's death the jinx on the DADA post has been lifted and there are two new staff members, Andromeda Tonks for Transfiguration and Charlie Weasley for Defense against the Dark arts. Good luck Professors"
"What! the four of us exclaimed in surprise."
Then Charlie and Andromeda shot a look at us with a teasing grin of "Surprise! Didnt expect ya!"
"And" Mcgonagall continued " The forbidden forest is out of bonds to all students and also our caretaker M.r Filch has asked me to remind you that there will be no using of weasley wizard wheezes and zonko stuff in the school. Hope, you'll make the best of this year, Now off to Bed ..Pip-Pip"

"Its strange seeing hogwarts without Dumbledore, isnt it?" Hermione asked while we were walking to the dorms.
"Yeah!" I agreed and we all went to our dorms for a good night's sleep and to get ready for the hectic classes which will be starting first thing in the morning.

Time Lapse (At lunch in the great hall)
The great hall is filled with joy and laughter. Students are chatting happily and it seems that the whole wizarding world is celebrating.
This is the first day of our classes and as it is our final NEWTS year, the teachers have already started fussing on us.
"Bloody Hell! If the first day of the school is like this, What's the rest of the year gonna be" Ron exclaimed while eating.
"Leave it Mate...atleast there are no frieking tournaments or torturing teachers and deatheaters this year."

Just as i said that M.r Filch came running through the great hall.
"Headmistress! A vicious creature is flying towards the gates and trying to get inside, the wards are stopping it but any minute the wards are gonna break."

All the students screamed in fear.
"Oh gosh! Why does this always happen?" I thought.
"SILENCE" Mcgonagall shouted " Everyone please dont panic, the prefects, please lead the students to their dormitories and all the teachers come with me. We are gonna increase the wards and place protection charms all around."

With that, all the teachers began to walk outside to increase the protection.
"Come on! We have to see what's going on" I yelled to Ron and Hermione.
"We will also come with you" ginny, neville and luna said.
"Okay then come on"
We all ran outside the greathall making sure that no teacher notices us. All the teachers are busy increasing the protection just like they did in Battle of Hogwarts.
"There" Neville yelled pointing to a flying figure just outside the gate trying to smash in."I think its that creature"
"Oh God! This is the creature. This is the one i saw it in my dream" I yelled.
"What!"All of them looked shocked.
"We have to stop it...its very dangerous."
Just then the creature smashed the wards giving itself way to enter. Soon it destroyed the extra protection applied just now by the teachers.
What the hell! How could this possibly happen? Mcgonagall yelled.
Just then the creature lunged forward but the teachers were quick,they started firing spells and soon we 6 also joined. Just as in my dream, the spells did not have that much effect on it.
"Harry! In your dream you used a sword which came from your patronus right!"
"Yeah! so?" I asked confused
"Then we can use the patronuses to get rid of it you tubelight!" Ginny sighed.
"Oh yeah!" I realized scratching my head sheepishly. "So what are we waiting for? Come on!"
We stepped forward and casted our patronuses focusing on the weapon we need. It worked. Our Patronuses appeared and they transformed into sword, dagger,mace,spear, bow and arrow for me,ginny,ron, Hermione and neville and luna respectively.

With our new weapons we charged at the beast. Me and ginny slashed the creature with our weapons. The creature groaned in pain or may be anger. We realized its gonna attack us and it pounced on us. Thanks to Neville and Luna. They shooted arrows at the creature just as it prepared to attack us. Just then Hermione using her spear judo flipped on the beast and pierced in its back and just as the creature is about to react, jumped sideways and again pierced it.

Then came Ron,with his deadly looking mace pounded the creature which made it go dizzy and then from a combined attack from us, the creature turned into dust.

Yeah! we jumped in joy.
"How did u guys do that" Mcgonagall asked surprisedly.
"Its nothing professor just the patro..." ron began to say just then 3 creatures same as the previous one started coming on us.

"What the hell we'll do now" The tiny Professor Flitwick was shocked.

Just then we heard water in the lake rumble and as soon as we saw it a whirlpool formed in the lake and a spirited essence came out of it transforming into a stunning man with a glorious aura around him.
He has a lasso in his hand, not a normal one but looked as a divine and powerful one. He slashed the 3 creatures with the lasso and they turned to dust.

Bloody Hell! I heard Ron exclaim.

The man then turned towards us,
"The Heroes must unite" He said and disappeared into water making bubbles shatter in the air.

sorry for the long update, i had been busy these days. And there is a continued chapter for this one and i'm gonna publish it sooner. The media at the above is not that much good but its the best i can do. Sorry about that.
And Thank u for your views and votes.

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