Part Six:

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Part 6:

"So, my parents are demigods?" Zoe asked, finally getting what Chiron had been explaining to her.

"Percy is a son of Poseidon and Annabeth is a daughter of Athena." Chiron said patiently.

"But don't Athena and Poseidon hate each other?"

Chiron smiled. "Yes, my dear. But Percy and Annabeth are powerful demigods. They've been through Tartarus itself, and also Athena has spared Percy because of a great prophecy."

"A prophecy?" Zoe's mind was racing. Was this the prophecy Liam and Millie were talking about at the disco?

"Yes, but don't worry about it now. The prophecy is important, but now is not the time to explain it. As I was saying, your parents were apart of a legendary group of seven demigods. The other five of the seven also have had kids. The four eldest have arrived over the past few days, but their parents are travelling with the other children."

"There are ... only four other children of demigods?" Zoe asked.

"Only four from the Seven. There are other children of demigods here, but they live with their parents in houses on the outskirts of the camp, or are training to become heroes. There won't be as many around today because most come in the summertime."


"Do you want to be shown around camp?"

"Ooh! Yes!" Zoe cried, standing up from the hard chair in Chiron's office. She turned to towards the door but Chiron stopped her.

"Before you step out of this door, you must promise one thing: never mention who your parents are or the prophecy that I told you about. It's best if the camp doesn't know until you're claimed."


"Either Athena or Poseidon will claim you. Once you're claimed, you'll get your powers."

"Okay, cool." Zoe put her hand on the doorknob.

"Zoe, please promise that you won't tell anyone." Chiron gave her a stern, fatherly look.

"I promise." Zoe said, then opened the door.


Zoe stood out on the wrap-around porch of the Big House. Her grey eyes skimmed around the camp; from the volleyball court, to the beach, the cabins and then finally settled on Chiron and tour guide, a girl around her brother Ethan's age with long brown hair and brown eyes.

"My name's Silena." She introduced when she arrived. "I've been claimed by Ares because my mother Clarrise is his daughter." Chiron nodded his head, then left.

"Who's your dad?" Zoe asked, then instantly regretted it. Tears welled up in Silena's eyes and she blinked them away, clenching her fists.

"It doesn't matter. He disappeared a month ago." She took a deep breath, glaring at the ground.

"I'm so sorry." Zoe said gently, feeling guilty.

"It's okay. Come on, I'll show you around."

They headed for the cabins and Silena launched into an explanation on how if you were training at camp then you would stay your godly parent's (or in her case, grandparent's) cabin. Then when you wanted to retire, you could either stay at Camp Half-Blood in the small village on the outskirts and work in the camp, or you could jump through the portal and go live in New Rome.

"Cool." Zoe replied. "How many cabins are there?"

"Well, their are twelve for the main Olympians, but a few are honorary, and then there are a lot of cabins for minor gods." Silena explained. She studied Zoe for a moment before saying, "I would say you would a daughter of Athena because of your eyes, but then there's the black hair which could be one of the Big Three, yet your personality seems more unique and quiet, which suggests Hecate but," Silena shrugged. "I'm not going to stereotype you to one god."

"Okay, where to--"

Just then, a boy ran up to Silena and Zoe. He had strawberry blonde hair and warm brown eyes. His height was about the same as Zoe's, and he seemed around the same age. Slung over his shoulder was a bow and quiver of arrows.

For about twenty seconds all Zoe could do was stare at him. He was good looking alright, but that's not the part that had stunned her. The thing that had stumped her was that he seemed so oblivious to the fact that he was good looking.

"Do you have a problem?" He asked Zoe, smirking at her.

"No." She snapped, determined not to get distracted by this boy like she did with Josh.

"Good, 'cause I thought I'd join you. I mean, I've only been here two days yet I haven't seen half of the camp." He grinned in a cute, innocent way. "My sister is so annoying. All she cares about is trying to get herself killed in a dozen ways possible. She-"

"Charlie!" A voice shrieked. The boy groaned as a girl ran up to them. She shared the same height and face shape as her brother, but that was where the similarities stopped. Instead of strawberry blonde, she had curly brown hair, and instead of brown, she had almond coloured eyes.

"What, Alex?" Charlie demanded.

"I just came to say hi!" She grinned in an insane way. Then she turned to Zoe. "You must be Zoe. Pleasure to meet you." Then, in Zoe's ear, "He's a dickhead, isn't he?"

Zoe grinned. "Yeah, he is."

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