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Jaz stumbled to her feet. The place looked oddly bare - and quiet. She gazed around. "Where are the others?" Her voice was heavy with strain.

Zoe came over. She looked like she was trying to fight off tears. "They're - they're gone."

"Gone? What do you mean?" Jaz climbed onto Festus' back and slumped into his neck. He purred and breathed flames from his nose affectionately.

"Tartarus must've activated their Unforgettable Curse. Charlie - he told me that he would be at Ogygia. Wherever that is." A tear leaked down Zoe's cheek.

Festus' ears pricked up at the word 'Ogygia'. From his body, a compass with a crystal attached appeared. Zoe walked over to inspect it.

"Hold on a minute..." Zoe gasped. "That's Calypso's island! Except she was rescued by Leo Valdez, and those are Charlie and Alex's parents; Charlie must've gotten his mother's curse!" She seemed excited, and for a quick ten seconds she was, until she went back to being disconsolate and sad.

"Okay, well we shouldn't stick around much longer." Jaz suggested. "Monsters will sense something's wrong and come for us."

"Good idea." Zoe kneeled down and scooped up her mother's backpack. She then clambered onto Festus behind Jaz and slung the backpack across her shoulders. "Lets do this." She said. Festus spread his wings and soared into the air.

They were going home.


Zoe POV:

You're still here? Wow, I'm impressed. I expected you to get bored halfway through and stop reading, but congratulations on making it to the end.

I know, I know. My story was sad and a bit cliché, but please give me a break. (And the author too, as she has so kindly written it down for me and my friends).

I warned you at the start, remember? 'story will sound cliché and sad'. But this is now no longer my story. My name is Zoe Jackson, and the next phase of my - our - lives start here.

And it will all start when I figure out the truth.

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